Summer Haiku Poems

These nature haiku poems highlight the season of summer and the foods of summer. They are written in the form of a haiku, a three-line poem that follows the syllable count of 5-7-5.
These nature haiku poems highlight the season of summer and the foods of summer. They are written in the form of a haiku, a three-line poem that follows the syllable count of 5-7-5.
Each one of us is unique. We have each been given gifts and talents that we can use to make the world a better place, but too often, we allow society to make us feel interior. We struggle with low self-esteem and buy into the lie that we don't have anything to offer the world. We look at the strengths of other people while only focusing on our weaknesses. These thoughts become self-destructive, and before we know it, we begin hating who we are.
We all must walk the journey toward self-acceptance. For some, the path is smooth, while for others, it has many bumps and twists along the way. These poems showcase the journey many people have walked to find self-acceptance and truly love who they are. May you find the strength and courage to love yourself and see your unique qualities as strengths and not weaknesses.
These poems highlight the season of fall. They are written in the form of a haiku, a three-line poem that follows the syllable count of 5-7-5.
Be sure to check out our other fall poems.
Each one of us will face hard times at some point in life. Sometimes the hardships come for a short season, and other times they seem to last longer than anticipated. Even though those moments feel like they are going to break us, we each have incredible strength that can push us forward. Having the determination and mindset to persevere can make all the difference.
Even though the struggles in life are not fun, and we wish we could do without them, they help develop our character. They teach us lessons we would not learn when things are pleasant. Each struggle we overcome is one more that shows us we can make it through anything. We hope these poems inspire you to find the courage to keep fighting whatever you are facing at the moment. Get ready to put the past behind you and embrace the future.
We are all looking for practical guidance to help us live a more meaningful life. These uplifting poems are filled with inspiring advice. They encourage readers to make small, daily choices that will better their quality of life. Open your heart to all this world has to offer. Although life is filled with many ups and downs, we can learn to make the most of every opportunity, overcome struggles and hardships, and put the past behind us. Focus on what matters most, enjoy the simple things, and live in the present. We hope these poems encourage you to live life to the fullest.
Spring is a time of great renewal. The grasp of winter no longer holds us, and nature reveals incredible beauty. We see budding leavings, opening flowers, rainstorms that showcase rainbows, and the glowing warmth of the sun. Bees buzz from flower to flower, and the birds’ songs are heard again in the early morning hours. These nature poems highlight the loveliness spring. They are written in the form of a haiku, a three-line poem that follows the syllable count of 5-7-5. Although they are short, they capture the charm of this exquisite season.
These haiku love poems showcase how it feels to be in love with someone special. They are written in the form of a haiku, a three-line poem that follows the syllable count of 5-7-5.
An acrostic poem is a fun poetry form where letters within the lines of that poem (at the beginning, middle, or end) spell out a specific word. That word is reflective of the topic or theme of the poem.
These acrostic poems highlight the tight bond between family members. They include Acrostic poems for Fathers, Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters and Brothers.
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These poems have been chosen as semi-finalists for our Summer Children's Poetry Contest.
Winner Announced: August 31, 2018. The Winning Poem is - Cool Summer By Suhaani C. Malik
Many people may not know that Grandparents Day exists. Some may choose to ignore it. They may think, "must we have a day for every person in the universe, when does all this day naming end?" Sadly, those people probably did not have an opportunity to develop a relationship with their grandparents. They don't understand the gifts that a grandparents can give. Grandparents can provide a sense of continuity and roots to their grandchildren. They can provide a sense that life matters, and the ability to see life within a larger context of time. Happy Grandparents Day!
Grandparents Day is an official US national holiday, signed by President Carter in 1978 and celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day. The statute cites the day's purpose: " honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children, and to help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer"
Father-child relationships can be strained for various reasons, such as lack of communication, different values or beliefs, lack of quality time and unresolved conflicts. These challenges can be difficult, but effort and understanding can help strengthen the bond between a father and child.
A lack of emotional connection can also be a challenge for father-child relationships. If fathers and children don't feel emotionally connected to each other, it can be difficult to build a strong, supportive relationship.
Some mother-child relationships are strained or tense. Wounds exist that create frustration, anger, and distance.
Poems in this collection are about navigating troublesome relationships between mothers and daughters and mothers and sons.
These poems delve into the emotions of frustration, anger, and distance that can arise between mothers and their daughters or sons. Through their words, these poets offer a glimpse into the struggles and triumphs of navigating difficult relationships between mothers and children.
What is Children's Poetry and is it different than poetry for Teens and Adults? It's not fundamentally different. Children's Poetry just needs to be written in a way that captures the interest of children.
Famous poet, Carl Sandburg's definitions of poetry include, "Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance" and "Poetry is a sliver of the moon lost in the belly of a golden frog". Children's imaginations are more flexible than adults. Poetry is a wonderful way to introduce children to literature and to life.
Included in this collection are the most popular poems from contemporary and modern poets who have submitted their original poems for children to Family Friend Poems over the past 15+ years.
Are you looking for poems with a certain technique, or do you want to learn about techniques such as using rhyming, metaphors, and personification? You'll find an Analysis of Form and Technique box that showcases poetic techniques used in these poems and provides links to articles further explaining those techniques.
Are you looking for inspiration and a format to write your own poetry? Check out the Try It Yourself articles, complete with PDFs to print and begin using for your own writing.
Introducing young children to poetry is a great way to help them develop language. The rhyming nature of many poems helps with this development. The poems in this collection are great for students in grades K-3. They are filled with humor and relatable topics for primary elementary children. Some of those topics include pets, being sick, imagination, spending time with family members, and many more. You'll also be able to find poems written by famous children's poets such as Shel Silverstein and A.A. Milne. These simple yet engaging pieces help children develop a love of words and reading that will hopefully last a lifetime.
Halloween is a fun holiday for children. They get to dress up and pretend to be their favorite characters while filling their buckets with sweet treats. These poems have a fun, child-like element to celebrate Halloween.
Halloween is a fun holiday, but it can also have elements of darkness. Some people enjoy the spookiness of it. They enjoy being frightened by paranormal activity, haunted houses, witches, death, spirits, and scary movies. These poems are for people who like the terrifying aspects of Halloween.
Thank you to everyone who submitted wonderful poems to the April 2019 Acrostic Poetry Contest. We have narrowed down the semi-finalists to this list of 10 finalists. Help us choose a winner by voting and sharing your favorites! First place and runner-up selections will be announced on May 6 and in our Poem of the Week.
We are excited to announce that "The Poetry Masters" has been selected as the Acrostic Poetry Contest winner! Congratulations, Debra L. Brown! Congratulations also goes out to Jodi M. Kucera, whose poem, "Father," was chosen as the Acrostic Poetry Contest runner-up! Thank you to everyone who submitted poems to the April contest.
Poetry Contests - All Winning Poems
Poems with structure have a specific system of organizing the lines, phrases, or thoughts. A well-structured poem reads nicely and clearly shares the poet’s message.
Many people have a crush on someone but don’t say anything. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to take a chance on love. These poems are for readers who wish to make a crush aware of romantic feelings. Who do you want to be your valentine?