Birthday Poems & Wishes For Daughters

Popular poems for celebrating a daughter’s birthday. Having a daughter is a special gift, and her birthday is a great time to tell her how much you love her and wish her a wonderful year.
Popular poems for celebrating a daughter’s birthday. Having a daughter is a special gift, and her birthday is a great time to tell her how much you love her and wish her a wonderful year.
The bond a mother shares with her child is unlike any other relationship. In many cases, a mother is the one to provide the majority of the early care to her children. In the younger years, she is the one with them more than any other person, creating an irreplaceable bond. These touching Mother's Day Poems are perfect for young children to share with their mothers on Mother's Day to say thank you for all she does.
We all have dreams we want to achieve. Sometimes we need the courage, inspiration, and motivation to chase a dream that has gotten pushed to the side.
When you live in close proximity with other human beings there will be many times that you will offend each other. Families inevitably hurt each other from time to time. Saying "I'm sorry" are the two words that can repair your relationship. Without apologies the bad feelings are allowed to grow until eventually they grow into something so big and ugly that it is almost impossible to repair. It is difficult to humble ourselves and admit that that we may have made a mistake. However, when you think about the repercussions of not making a simple apology, you will realize that it's worth the effort.
When friends are forced to be apart from each other for whatever length of time, it will be a difficult period for the two of them. They will be forced to go through their normal routines apart from each other. Each one may miss the qualities that the other contributed to the friendship. There is a saying that, "absence makes the heart grow fond". This may be an opportunity for each of them to realize how important each one is to the other's life. They will miss each other, and long for the time when they can be together again.
Find solace and connection through our collection of poems about missing a friend. These poems explore the emotions and feelings of longing for a friend who is no longer present in our lives and the enduring power of friendship
Adopted children are often referred to as chosen children. People with love to give and none to bestow it upon seek out a child to raise with love. Some parents choose to conceal their child's adoption thinking that it will only cause him pain and a sense of non-belonging. Others choose to tell their chosen child thinking that he will find out anyway. When a child finds out that he is adopted, it may give rise to feelings of confusion and alienation. The important thing to remember is that having parents that love you whether biological or chosen is a tremendous gift.
Quotes about moving beyond negative experiences of the past. These quotes encourage us to let go of dwelling on the past and move on.
Father-child relationships can be strained for various reasons, such as lack of communication, different values or beliefs, lack of quality time and unresolved conflicts. These challenges can be difficult, but effort and understanding can help strengthen the bond between a father and child.
A lack of emotional connection can also be a challenge for father-child relationships. If fathers and children don't feel emotionally connected to each other, it can be difficult to build a strong, supportive relationship.
Thank you to everyone who submitted wonderful poems to the April 2019 Acrostic Poetry Contest. We have narrowed down the semi-finalists to this list of 10 finalists. Help us choose a winner by voting and sharing your favorites! First place and runner-up selections will be announced on May 6 and in our Poem of the Week.
We are excited to announce that "The Poetry Masters" has been selected as the Acrostic Poetry Contest winner! Congratulations, Debra L. Brown! Congratulations also goes out to Jodi M. Kucera, whose poem, "Father," was chosen as the Acrostic Poetry Contest runner-up! Thank you to everyone who submitted poems to the April contest.
Poetry Contests - All Winning Poems
Acrostic poems are poems where the first, last or middle letters of each line spell a word which is related to the poem's topic.
These Acrostic poems are written for children and include acrostic poems about friendship, family, father's day and bullying.
Grandmothers are significant people in the lives of their grandchildren. Grandchildren often have specific and loving memories of times spent together with their grandma. There may be a Grandparents Day to celebrate these special people. But grandmothers are mothers too and should be recognized on Mother’s Day as well. These are the perfect poems for children and adults to share with grandmothers who have made a lasting impact on their lives.
Your sister's birthday is an important day in her year. It's also a great time to show to her you care about her. Sharing a poem can help you express your love to her. Here is a collection of the very best Poems for a Sisters Birthday.
Christmas is a time for celebration, reflection, and sharing with loved ones. It's a time to come together and enjoy the warmth and joy of the holiday season. One way to celebrate Christmas is through poetry, and there are many famous Christmas poems that have become classic favorites over the years. These poems capture the spirit of Christmas and explore its themes of love, peace, hope, and joy. They are often recited, sung, and shared during the holiday season as a way to celebrate and reflect on the meaning of Christmas.
Some of the most famous Christmas poems include poems such as The Holy Night By Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the poem which created the Santa Claus we all know and love, 'Twas The Night Before Christmas By Clement Clarke Moore.
These poems, along with many others, are a beloved part of the Christmas tradition and are sure to bring joy and cheer to anyone who reads or sings them.
Celebrating the birthday of a loved one who has passed away can be difficult. You want nothing more than for that person to be here with you. Poetry is a great source of comfort during times of grief.
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These poems have been chosen as semi-finalists for our Summer Children's Poetry Contest.
Winner Announced: August 31, 2018. The Winning Poem is - Cool Summer By Suhaani C. Malik
Many people have a crush on someone but don’t say anything. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to take a chance on love. These poems are for readers who wish to make a crush aware of romantic feelings. Who do you want to be your valentine?
Examples of Free Verse Poems for children. Free Verse Poems are poems that do not follow a specific structure or rhyme scheme.
These poems for mothers from sons are perfect for sons to share with their mothers on Mother's Day. Mothers have a special bond with their sons. After all, a mother is her son's first love. As a mother ages, many times she goes from being the one to care for her son to having him be the one to look out for her.
Valentine’s Day is not only for those in romantic relationships. It can also be a time for families to celebrate their love for each other. Parents can use the holiday as an opportunity to share with their children how much they’re loved and valued in the family. Maybe this year is the year to start a new family tradition on Valentine’s Day.
Being alone while everyone is celebrating love in their lives can be an incredibly lonely and depressing experience. Valentine's Day is a time for sharing our love with those who are important to us. Not having someone to share this with does not mean, however, that we cannot also participate. All of us have people who are meaningful and special to us, these people can become an outlet for expressing our love and sharing in the festivities of celebrating love. In this way, Valentine's Day can be a time for sharing love with others even if not the traditional expression.