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Examples Of Free Verse Poems From Modern And Famous Poets
  • Published: August 2017

Free Verse Poems

Free Verse Poems

Examples of free verse poems about different areas of life. Free Verse poetry allows the poet to freely express their thoughts and feelings without being constrained by traditional poetic forms. Free verse poems can be structured in any way the poet chooses, and they often rely on natural rhythms and cadences of language to create their unique poetic form. Many modern poets use free verse to create a more conversational, free-flowing style of poetry that is more closely aligned with the rhythms of everyday speech.

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  • Poems 16
Poems For Mother's Day From Daughters
  • Published: May 2019

Mother's Day Poems From Daughters

Mother's Day Poems From Daughters

These poems are perfect for daughters to share with their mothers on Mother's Day. 

These mother-daughter poems have been selected for daughters to share with their mothers for Mother's Day. Daughters have a different relationship with their mothers than sons. The mother-daughter relationship is special and unique, and these poems especially reflect that particular aspect. As girls grow and turn into young women, the relationship with their mothers changes as well. It moves that of a mother-child relationship to a friendship. 

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  • Poems 16
Simile Poems - Examples Of Popular Poems That Use Similes
  • Published: November 2018

Poems With Similes

Similes are a form of figurative language that use the words "like" or "as" to compare two things. Similes are a writing technique used by poets and all writers to create rich imagery and memorable connections for their readers. Writers use similes to enhance descriptions of feelings, experiences or objects by comparing them vividly to something else.

Learn more: What are Similes And Metaphors In Poetry?

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  • Poems 17
April 2024 Poetry Contest Semi-Finalists
  • Published: April 2, 2024

April 2024 Poetry Contest - $500 Cash Prize

April 2024 Poetry Contest - $500 Cash Prize

These poems have been submitted to the April 2024 Poetry Contest. Below this list you will find the semi-finalist poems.


These poems have been submitted to the April 2024 Poetry Contest.

  1. One Of A Kind Grandma by Clarissa M. Parent

  2. Because Of You I Am Me by Susan M. Gilbert

  3. Oh, How I Love Summer by Susan M. Gilbert

  4. Neon Dreams And Virtual Realities by Hough VAN DER HEIDEN

  5. The Night Sky by Lisa E. Sheroan

  6. Half A Heart by Mitchell Browder

  7. The Price Of Greed by Shahinaz Soliman

  8. When I Die by Shahinaz Soliman

  9. The Window Pane by Martha Myers

  10. IT IS WRITTEN by Raelene J. Elliss

  11. A Horse On A Hill by Lisa E. Sheroan

  12. WHICH IS REAL? by SC Schlagel

  13. Head Space by Kelsey D. Blackford

  14. Come, And Fly With Me by Julia Choi

  15. Goodbye To A Precious Home And Time by Samuel Aragone

  16. Sunshine After Rain by Brenda Winders

  17. A Rainbow Appears Only After The Rain by Doug William Benson

  18. My Love Is Yours Forever by Aaron R. Tercero-Lozano

  19. (bluebells) by Rob Hamilton

  20. Finding The Way by Ann D. Stevenson

  21. Man Musing by Shirley Ann Bunyan

  22. I Was Never A Soldier by Sweet Solitude

  23. 615 North Street by Lisa E. Sheroan

  24. Our Long Distance by Poetrebelunderground

  25. Nevermore by Ada M. Aguilar

  26. Those Eyes, Those Eyes, Those Loving Eyes by Susan Vidd

  27. The True Love Valentine by Laura Sanders

  28. The Confession by Michael J. Malone

Submit your poem now!

The poems below have been selected as semi-finalists for the April 2024 Poetry Contest.

We look for poems that have a clear message, Are heartfelt, Appeal to a wide audience

Our Editors determine the winning poem based on content, but you can let us know your top poems by rating, sharing, adding to your favorites and commenting on your favorite poems.

View our Previous Poetry Contest Winners

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  • Poems 17
Scary Halloween Poems
  • Published: October 2020

Spooky Halloween Poems

Spooky Halloween Poems

Halloween is a fun holiday, but it can also have elements of darkness. Some people enjoy the spookiness of it. They enjoy being frightened by paranormal activity, haunted houses, witches, death, spirits, and scary movies. These poems are for people who like the terrifying aspects of Halloween.

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  • Poems 17
Poems With Symbolism - Symbolism In Poetry
  • Published: July 2018

Poetic Technique Of Symbolism

Poetic Technique Of Symbolism

Symbolism is a poetic technique that utilizes objects, people, or situations to represent a larger idea or concept beyond its literal meaning. It is a way for poets to create layers of meaning in their work and convey a deeper message to their audience. 

Symbolism can take many forms, including metaphor, simile, and allegory. Poets use symbolism to create layers of meaning in their work and to convey complex ideas and emotions. 

Some common examples of symbolism include 

  • red rose to represent love or passion, 
  • broken mirror to symbolize bad luck or a broken relationship, 
  • butterfly to represent transformation or rebirth, 
  • rainbow represents hope, 
  • withering leaf stands for aging 
  • dove with an olive branch is a symbol of peace. 
By using symbolism, writers can add depth and richness to their work and engage readers on a deeper emotional and intellectual level.

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  • Poems 17
Short Father's Day Poems - Father's Day Poetry Quotes
  • Published: June 2019

Father's Day Poetry Quotes

These Poetry Quotes are cute and sweet and perfect for short father's day poems. You can use these quotes and pictures to give to your Mom on Father's day.

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  • Quotes 17
Poems About Reminiscing On Childhood
  • Published: April 2020

Childhood Memories

Childhood Memories

Growing up is inevitable. No matter how much we want to hold onto our childhood, life is going to move forward. At some point, our childhood becomes something we look back on instead of something we’re currently experiencing. Each generation’s childhood is marked with different characteristics. No matter how old you are, it seems that every generation believes life was slower and sometimes better than daily life today. This is a collection of poems about those simpler times. The poems are filled with sentimental longing for the days gone by. What fond memories do you have from your childhood? For a moment, take a stroll down memory lane and reminisce about the good old days. They might be just a memory now, but what a beautiful memory they are. They are a reminder of glorious days, the days that made you who you are today.

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  • Poems 18
Poems To Explain What Depression Feels Like
  • Published: July 2017

Poems For Describing Depression

Poems For Describing Depression

Depression and sadness are not the same. We all experience sadness from time to time, but those feelings go away within a short period of time. Depression is a diagnosable condition characterized by a prolonged feeling of sadness and loss of interest in things that were once enjoyable. It can also have lasting symptoms such as changes in sleep, energy level, and concentration. The United States has one of the highest depression rates in the world, and women are more likely to suffer from this than men.

For someone who has never experienced depression, it can be challenging to understand. These poems provide a glimpse of what depression feels like and what's it’s like to fight against depression. Depression becomes all-consuming and affects every aspect of a person’s life.

If you suspect you or someone you love is living with depression, please reach out to get help. Know that you are not alone. Hundreds of millions of people around the world are fighting depression every day.

For more poems check out:

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  • Poems 18
Happy Birthday Poems For Friends - Make Them Feel Special
  • Published: May 2019

Birthday Poems For Friends

Birthday Poems For Friends

A birthday is a time to celebrate life and be joyful for the chance to be with friends, family and those who care about us.
A birthday can be seen as a serious or joyful time depending on one's age and one's attitude towards life. 

Another year has passed and we look back on failures and successes. We think about our goals for the future and reflect on the past year. These are all thoughts that may came up on a birthday, but the main thing is to use a birthday as an opportunity to celebrate life and be joyful for the chance to be with friends and family.

Poems for Birthdays to share with friends and loved ones. 

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  • Poems 18
Poems About Missing Loved Ones At Christmas
  • Published: December 2018

Missing You At Christmas Poems

Missing You At Christmas Poems

For many people, the holidays are a difficult time due to grieving the loss of a loved one, whether it be from death or separation due to distance or strained relationships. Memories of Christmas and the holiday season are filled with loved ones who have since passed away or are not here. 

Poems about remembering lost loved ones during Christmas and the holiday season.

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  • Poems 18
Poems On Alzheimer's Disease For Alzheimer’s Awareness Month - November
  • Published: November 2019

Poems That Bring Awareness To Alzheimer's Disease And Dementia

Poems That Bring Awareness To Alzheimer's Disease And Dementia

November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. It was first established by President Ronald Reagan in 1983. At that time, less than two million people suffered from the disease. It has now grown to over five million patients in the United States alone. Although there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia, there are treatments that help slow down the progression of the disease.  

The Alzheimer’s Association has wonderful resources on their website about signs of Alzheimer’s, tips for living with the disease, help for caregivers, information on research and getting involved with support groups.

Whether you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or have a loved one fighting this disease, we hope these poems will remind you that you are not facing this alone. 

November is also National Family Caregivers Month. There are millions of people who care for their loved ones. These people selflessly make sacrifices to care for those with special needs, chronic illnesses, disabilities, and aging bodies and minds. This month is a time to honor family caregivers and give them the support they need.

Be sure to check out our other Aging Poems.

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  • Poems 19
Beautiful Poems For Grandparents: Poems To Celebrate Grandparents Day
  • Published: February 2023

Grandparents Day Poems

Grandparents Day Poems

Many people may not know that Grandparents Day exists. Some may choose to ignore it. They may think, "must we have a day for every person in the universe, when does all this day naming end?" Sadly, those people probably did not have an opportunity to develop a relationship with their grandparents. They don't understand the gifts that a grandparents can give. Grandparents can provide a sense of continuity and roots to their grandchildren. They can provide a sense that life matters, and the ability to see life within a larger context of time. Happy Grandparents Day!

Grandparents Day is an official US national holiday, signed by President Carter in 1978 and celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day. The statute cites the day's purpose: "...to honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children, and to help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer"

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  • Poems 19
Inspiring Poems On The Bond Between Dads And Their Children
  • Published: July 2018

Poems About Fatherly Love

Poems About Fatherly Love

Many men will agree that being a father is the most rewarding relationship that they have. Children begin by loving their fathers unconditionally. It is a clean slate. There is nothing the father has to do to earn his child's love. The difficult part is not losing it. As the child goes out into the world, he will see all kinds of men whom he will look to as models as well. It is crucial that his father stay active in his life and help him make intelligent decisions. A boy without a father will look elsewhere to fill his father's shoes.

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  • Poems 19
Examples Of Poems That Use The ABAB Rhyme Scheme
  • Published: August 2017

ABAB Rhyme Scheme

This collection contains poems that use the ABAB rhyme scheme. The ABAB rhyme scheme is where the ending words of lines one and three (A) rhyme with each other and the ending words of lines two and four (B) rhyme with each other.

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  • Poems 19
Favorite Poems From Top Poets On Family Friend Poems
  • Published: February 2022

Featured Published Poets

Featured Published Poets

Family Friend Poems would not exist without our wonderful poets. We’ve had the honor of publishing poems from thousands of poets, and we are thankful for each of them for sharing their hearts with our poetry community. We are incredibly grateful for the poets who have been faithful contributors over the years. They consistently submit high-quality poems that we publish, and they engage with our community by leaving comments on other poets’ work.

We are excited to say “thank you” by showcasing favorite poems by our top poets. These poems have been hand-selected by the poets themselves. We had the opportunity to interview each poet to learn more about why a particular poem means so much to them. We also found out where they get their writing inspiration, why they love poetry, and their favorite experience from being published on Family Friend Poems. The interviews can be found on each poem page in this collection. 

Thanks again to everyone who makes Family Friend Poems a community that shares the highs and lows of life. Let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the poets who vulnerably share their hearts with the world. 

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  • Poems 20
Dog Poems - Poems About Man's Best Friend
  • Published: November 2017

Dog Poems

Dog Poems

Fun poems about dogs and poems about dog friendships. Dogs are known as man's best friend and these poems are about the connection between dogs and their owners.

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  • Poems 20
Poems About The COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Published: April 2020

Pandemic Poems

Pandemic Poems

The world is facing an unprecedented health crisis. COVID-19 has spread across the globe, bringing with it sickness, death, uncertainty, anxiety, and economic upheaval. The world has stopped like never before. Businesses are closed, and schools have moved to online platforms. Social distancing is the norm, and no one knows when the end of the virus will come. Living in the midst of incredible uncertainty takes its toll on people. But may we use this time to focus on the most important things and slow down in a way we’ve never been forced to do before. 

Daily life looks very different, and this pandemic has impacted everybody in some way. You are not alone in what you are facing. The fears that rise to the surface are felt by billions of people around the world. We are all in this together. Even though the storm is raging right now, famous poet Maya Angelou once said, “Every storm runs out of rain.”

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  • Poems 20
Love Forever Poems For Him And Her
  • Published: January 2023

Love Forever Poems

Love Forever Poems

When you fall in love with someone, you hope it will last forever. You picture yourself by their side through all the ups and downs of life. Nothing gives you greater joy than the thought of holding their hand through the journey of life. You feel complete, secure, and like you can take on the world with them by your side. Their love gives you courage, strength, and happiness to take on each day. You take comfort in knowing that you will be together forever.

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