Sad Birthday Poems

Celebrating the birthday of a loved one who has passed away can be difficult. You want nothing more than for that person to be here with you. Poetry is a great source of comfort during times of grief.
Celebrating the birthday of a loved one who has passed away can be difficult. You want nothing more than for that person to be here with you. Poetry is a great source of comfort during times of grief.
There are many traditions from around the world that determine what a funeral looks like. In some cultures the body is cremated and the ashes may be kept in an urn. In other cultures, the body is put into the ground itself without a coffin. Some traditions have people who are designated wailers who are there to help people cry. Eulogies may be said in honor of the departed. What these cultures all have in common is the desire to mark the importance of the individual's life and to mourn for the loss of the departed.
Looking for the perfect words to honor a dear friend who has passed away? Our collection of memorial poems includes poems for eulogies, speeches, and tributes. From short poems for funerals to longer, more personal tributes, you'll find the perfect poem to express your love and grief. Use these poems to help you say goodbye to a dear friend who will be greatly missed."
Popular poems for celebrating a son’s birthday. Having a son is a special gift, and his birthday is a great time to tell him how much you love him and to wish him a wonderful year. Express your heartfelt birthday wishes for your son with these loving happy birthday poems.
When you fall in love with someone, you hope it will last forever. You picture yourself by their side through all the ups and downs of life. Nothing gives you greater joy than the thought of holding their hand through the journey of life. You feel complete, secure, and like you can take on the world with them by your side. Their love gives you courage, strength, and happiness to take on each day. You take comfort in knowing that you will be together forever.
Popular poems for celebrating a daughter’s birthday. Having a daughter is a special gift, and her birthday is a great time to tell her how much you love her and wish her a wonderful year.
There's nothing like the first love. You've never had these feelings before and you imagine that no one else has ever felt this way about anybody. Your boyfriend or girlfriend are the greatest thing ever and you want to be with them all the time. Your senses become alive as you fall in love for the first time. You're not even thinking of the possibility that you may break up because that has never happened to you before. First love is filled with the optimism that you will be together forever.
Favorite poems for celebrating a father’s birthday. A father does so many things for his children, and his birthday is a great time to tell him how much you love him. Use these poems to express your love to your father and wish him a wonderful year.
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. It's a month dedicated to raising awareness about suicide and sharing hope for those affected by it. It's a month to help destigmatize this widespread and heartbreaking topic.
Often, people don't want their lives to end; they just wish the pain they're experiencing in life would end. Life can become overwhelming for people of all ages. Unfortunately, according to the National Alliance on Mental Health, suicide is the second leading cause of death of people ages 10-34.
Suicide has a far-reaching effect. When someone chooses to end his or her life, the people connected to that person are left to grieve. Many times, they also live with guilt and have questions that will never be answered.
We hope that by shedding light on this topic through poetry, people can see that they're not alone. May we come together and help those who are hurting -- both the people experiencing suicidal thoughts and those who have lost loved ones to suicide.
Many people have felt hopeless at some point. You are not alone. This is not a battle you have to fight by yourself. Let’s encourage one another.
If you are hurting, please reach out to someone. If you feel like you are drowning with everything happening around you and you wonder how you will go on, there are people who want to help. If you have been thinking about ending your life, we urge you to reach out. In the United States, you can contact the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. There is hope!
The struggle with anxiety can be raw, scary, and debilitating. These poems about anxiety give a glimpse into the difficult struggle.
As you read through these poems, you will be taken through the often overwhelming feelings associated with anxiety. From feelings of desand uncertainty to the search for release and understanding, these poems provide a window into the personal experiences of those who have struggled with anxiety. We hope that by reading these poems, you will feel less alone in your own struggles and find comfort and solace in the words of others who are facing similar challenges.
The passage of time is something we all experience. For some, time passes slowly. For others, it goes by way too quickly.
We all want to be successful. But what is success? Too many times, we measure it by a person's wealth or status. We often use those markers to determine whether or not we have been successful in life. Basing it on that criteria alone means that a lot of people will never meet the world's definition of "success."
Success is attaining a purpose or goal you have set out to accomplish. The poems in this collection take a deeper look at other definitions of success. It's not about living up to the world's standards. Being successful is much more than money or popularity. It's about being yourself, working hard to achieve your dreams, learning lessons from your mistakes, and living your best life.
The start of a new year is marked with many resolutions. Some look at keeping those resolutions as a marker for success. But for many, it's challenging to accomplish the goals we have at the beginning of the year. This year, instead of resolutions of losing weight or getting organized, why don't we focus on our character? Let's look for ways to be kinder, more encouraging, and present with those around us. Let's not get distracted by the expectations of the world. Instead, let's live out our own definition of success.
For many, the past year was tough. There were unforeseeable changes, unexpected diagnoses, broken relationships, the loss of loved ones, and many heartbreaking disappointments. It was a discouraging and frustrating year, one many would never want to relive. We look toward the New Year with great expectations and a yearning for the hope that things will be better. If it was a defeating year, it might feel as though there’s no possible way for things to be better. But we must each choose to move forward and put the past behind us.
Even in the darkness, light is coming. Even in the midst of the storm, a calmness is coming. Even in the midst of brokenness, restoration is possible.
Although we cannot change the past, we can let go of it and move forward. A New Year is a chance to start fresh and leave behind the things that have brought pain and heartbreak.
May these poems give you the hope, inspiration, and courage to let go of the past and embrace the future to pursue a life well-lived.
Father’s Day is a day to celebrate fathers and their influence in the lives of their children. But for many, Father’s Day becomes a difficult holiday after you’ve lost your dad. You wish you had more time with him, more time to learn from him, more time to love him. You’re not alone. Many other people also grieve the absence of their fathers.
Looking for inspiration and encouragement? Check out our selection of poems about believing in yourself and your own abilities. These uplifting poems will remind you of your strength and help you overcome any challenges that may come your way
On September 11, 2001, the unthinkable happened as terrorists attacked the United States. Nearly 3,000 people died as a result. Terrorists flew two planes into the World Trade Center in New York City and one into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. A fourth plane did not reach its intended destination. The courageous passengers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 fought to regain control of the aircraft, and it crashed in Western Pennsylvania.
May we remember all the people who lost their lives that fateful Tuesday morning and those who've had to live with the lingering effects. May we also remember how we came together as a country to support one another. We thank all the brave men and women who were first responders that day and the military personnel who fought to keep us safe. We will not forget!
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. This awareness month was first declared on October 15, 1988, by President Ronald Reagan. It's a month to remember the babies we never got to hold in our arms or the babies that left this earth too soon. The pain can be unbearable for parents who experience this void in their lives.
Loss due to miscarriages, stillbirths, SIDS, and other infant deaths are not always talked about. Many people who suffer miscarriages don't share the news openly, causing them to wrestle with the pain without others knowing. Share your story. The darkness you walked through can shine a light for someone else going through the same thing.
We hope that you will see that you are not alone by reading these poems on pregnancy and infant loss. We encourage you to do something to keep the memory of your baby alive. Even if you never held your baby in your arms, their short life had meaning, and they will always be a part of your family.
These poems have been submitted to the April 2024 Poetry Contest. Below this list you will find the semi-finalist poems.
These poems have been submitted to the April 2024 Poetry Contest.
The poems below have been selected as semi-finalists for the April 2024 Poetry Contest.
We look for poems that have a clear message, Are heartfelt, Appeal to a wide audience
Our Editors determine the winning poem based on content, but you can let us know your top poems by rating, sharing, adding to your favorites and commenting on your favorite poems.
View our Previous Poetry Contest Winners
Writing poems without a rhyming pattern or a specific form can be more difficult than following a pattern. Here is a collection of short free verse poems that have less than ten lines.
An adjective is the part of speech that describes a noun (person, place, or thing). Poets uses adjectives to give a detailed and vivid description of the noun they are describing.
Using descriptive language to illustrate strong feelings such as pain or love can help the poet show the intensity of the feelings they are experiencing and to paint a more memorable picture for the reader.
Looking to the future can be scary, but it can also be exciting. We are constantly presented with new opportunities. Let’s step out and take hold of those opportunities, even when we don't know how things will turn out.
Change is constant, and life is a journey. We don’t know what the future holds. Although there are bound to be tough things ahead, there are also going to be incredible moments that we could never have imagined.
Take a leap of faith. Set out to do something you’ve always wanted to do.
Look to the future with hope. There are amazing possibilities ahead. Don’t allow fear to hold you back, for a life filled with regrets of not chasing your dreams is a life filled with sorrow and bitterness. It's time to let go of the past and embrace what the future holds.