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Examples Of Poems With Quatrains (Stanzas Have 4 Lines)
  • Published: July 2017

Poems With Quatrains

Collection of poems written with stanzas that have four lines. Stanzas of 4 lines are called Quatrains. A stanza in poetry is a group of lines usually separated by a blank line. Stanzas of 4 lines are called Quatrains from the French word quatre meaning four.

Quatrains are often used in poetry to create structure and rhythm, and they are a popular form for many poets. Here are a few examples of poems with quatrains

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  • Poems 29
Structured Poems For Kids – Poetry Contest
  • Published: August 2019

Summer Poetry Contest Winner And Semi-Finalists

Summer Poetry Contest Winner And Semi-Finalists

We are excited to announce that "Candy Tree Shops" has been selected as the Summer Poetry Contest winner! Congratulations, Beryl L. Edmonds! Thank you to everyone who submitted poems to the Summer contest.

These poems have been selected as semi-finalists for the Second Annual Children's Summer Poetry Contest, First Prize $50 Amazon.com Gift Card!. These poems have been written for children and follow one of the following structured formats: Acrostic, Haiku, Limerick, or ABC poem.


  • 1 entry per person.
  • All semi-finalist are published on our website.
  • Winner will be selected by our Editors and will be notified by Email.

What types of poems are we are looking for?

  • Are targeted to elementary school aged children. (ages 5-11)
  • Have literary techniques integrated (e.g. rhymes, similes/metaphors, repetition, alliteration, imagery, symbolism, personification etc.) when appropriate.
  • Follow the rules of the poetry form you select.
  • Can be used by teachers in elementary schools for poetry lessons.


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  • Poems 13
Poems About Joyful Childhood Memories
  • Published: December 2022

Poems About Childhood Friendships

Poems About Childhood Friendships

There are some friendships that we remember forever. These are the friendships that were formed when we were children. The quality of sharing is not the same as in adult friendships. However, in a certain way the friendship has a deeper quality. It probably lacked that drama and intensity that is shared in adult friendships. At the same time there is a certain carefree quality that exists between two young children at play. They don't ask themselves complicated questions like whether they have enough in common. It is enough that they are two kids and that there is playing to be done.

This collection of poems celebrates the joy and wonder of childhood memories. From playing outside with friends to holidays with family, these poems capture the magic and innocence of growing up. Whether you're looking to reminisce on your own childhood or share a bit of nostalgia with loved ones, these poems are sure to bring a smile to your face.

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  • Poems 4
Poems Of Apology And Regret To Family
  • Published: December 2022

I'm Sorry Family Poems

I'm Sorry Family Poems

When you live in close proximity with other human beings there will be many times that you will offend each other. Families inevitably hurt each other from time to time. Saying "I'm sorry" are the two words that can repair your relationship. Without apologies the bad feelings are allowed to grow until eventually they grow into something so big and ugly that it is almost impossible to repair. It is difficult to humble ourselves and admit that that we may have made a mistake. However, when you think about the repercussions of not making a simple apology, you will realize that it's worth the effort.

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  • Poems 10
Poems On Friendships In Conflict And The Journey To Reconciliation
  • Published: December 2022

Poems About Friends Fighting

Poems About Friends Fighting

Fighting is part of every real relationship. The key is knowing how to resolve the fight without breaking up the friendship. Often it is the individual who knows how to communicate by sharing his feelings and not pointing fingers who can diffuse the situation. Since both members of the friendship are feeling defensive, it becomes a risky and sensitive venture. It may talk a couple tries to fully resolve your differences but you will come out with a stronger friendship at the other end.

Fighting friends poems explore the struggles and challenges that can arise in close relationships. These poems often delve into the emotions and experiences of individuals as they navigate conflicts and try to find their way to reconciliation. They offer insights into the complexities of friendships and provide a reflection on the difficulties that can arise when two people care deeply about each other. Whether through heartache, anger, or forgiveness, fighting friends poems offer a powerful and relatable look at the ups and downs of close relationships

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  • Poems 6
Short Poems About Heartbreak
  • Published: October 2020

Short Sad Love Poems

Short Sad Love Poems

When we give someone our heart, there is always a chance it will get broken. We never want that to be the outcome, but too often it is. Dealing with a breakup or unrequited love is crushing. These short poems capture the despair experienced when a relationship does not work out. Even though these poems are short, the expressed emotions are powerful. Dealing with heartbreak is always a heavy and draining experience. We hope these poems remind you that you’re not alone.

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  • Poems 39
Poems Reflecting On Friendships That Have Faded With Time
  • Published: December 2022

Poems About Losing A Friend

Poems About Losing A Friend

Someone with all the money in the world but no one to enjoy it with, would be depressed. Admittedly that's an extreme example, but the truth is that all of the enjoyable things in the world get old quickly without a friend to share them with. On the other hand, if a person was experiencing all the hardships in the world, they may go insane without the aid of a friend. People that don't have anyone to socially interact may lose their minds and develop an imaginary friend just to ease the loneliness. Human interaction is necessary. It is simply the way that we are wired.

Discover the power of poetry to connect with and honor the friends we have lost touch with over time. These poems explore the emotions and memories associated with faded friendships and offer a poignant reflection on the connections that endure despite distance and time

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  • Poems 6
Famous Short Poems - Examples Of Short Poems By Famous Poets
  • Published: June 2018

Famous Short Poems

Famous Short Poems

Examples of short famous poems by famous poets such as Langston Hughes, Robert Frost, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Sara Teasdale.
Short Funny poems by famous poets such as Ogden Nash and Shel Silverstein and short poems for children by famous poets including A. A. Milne and Christina Rossetti.

The shorter the poem, the more difficult it is to write. Every word must be exactly what you intend to say. There is no time for long winded explanations. Often it may take longer to write a short poem. You are more likely to write it and revise it many times before you feel that each word is perfect and perfectly placed. This may be analogous to a small family or group. There are not many people so each one much show up. Each one must do their part to create a loving family unit or group of friends. Every family member or friend must play their role to perfection

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  • Poems 31
Friendship Poems About Betrayal
  • Published: December 2022

Betrayed Friend Poems

Betrayed Friend Poems

"Et tu Brute, then fall Caesar". Perhaps the most famous words in English literature speak of a betrayal of a friend. Julius Caesar is saying that if even his close friend Brutus is stabbing him, then he has no hope. Our friends are the ones that we expect will stand by us through thick and thin. When are going through hard times, we ask that they be "like a bridge over troubled waters". If we cannot count on our friends to pull us through, then who can we count on?

Explore betrayal in friendships through our collection of powerful poems. These poems write about the emotions and feelings of betrayed friends as they try to go forward and heal after betrayal.

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  • Poems 12
Poems Of Longing: Expressing The Pain Of Missing A Friend
  • Published: December 2022

Poems About Missing A Friend

Poems About Missing A Friend

When friends are forced to be apart from each other for whatever length of time, it will be a difficult period for the two of them. They will be forced to go through their normal routines apart from each other. Each one may miss the qualities that the other contributed to the friendship. There is a saying that, "absence makes the heart grow fond". This may be an opportunity for each of them to realize how important each one is to the other's life. They will miss each other, and long for the time when they can be together again.

Find solace and connection through our collection of poems about missing a friend. These poems explore the emotions and feelings of longing for a friend who is no longer present in our lives and the enduring power of friendship

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  • Poems 10
Poems On Enduring Friendships
  • Published: December 2022

Forever Friend Poems

Forever Friend Poems

Forever is a very long time. How is it that people can talk so casually about a concept that we cannot even wrap our minds around? Sometimes we have a friend and we sense that our souls are very closely connected. We know that the connection is above time and space. We know that wherever we are in our lives we will always remain friends. Even if we do not see each other for years we are able to pick up right where we left off. This is what people mean when they say friends forever.

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  • Poems 12
March 2024 Poetry Contest Semi-Finalists
  • Published: March 3, 2024

March 2024 Poetry Contest - $500 Cash Prize

March 2024 Poetry Contest - $500 Cash Prize

These poems have been submitted to the March 2024 Poetry Contest. Below this list you will find the semi-finalist poems.


  • March 2024 Poetry Contest, Prize $500 Cash!

  • Submission Deadline is March 31st. CLOSED

  • Semi-Finalists Published here April 1- April 5th.

  • Winner Announced: April 5th

  • The Winning Poem is - Gullible Guy by Richard Thomas

These poems have been submitted to the March 2024 Poetry Contest.

  1. Pretend To Know by Karol L. Capuchino

  2. Me Too by Cindy1000

  3. The Gift Of Hindsight by Sara Hollie

  4. Spring by Sherrella Rollins

  5. The Cry For Help by Amelia A. Ortiz

  6. Heaven's Creations by Kate Cassidy

  7. The Rose I Picked by Shirley Bunyan

  8. A Precious Toil by Esther Green

  9. If It Happens Before Your Eyes by Audra A. Allensworth

  10. The Atom Bomb by Daniel H. Garza

  11. Gullible Guy by Richard Thomas

  12. Boardwalk Strolls by Judith J Bentley

  13. Back On Track by Doug William Benson

  14. Poisoned Secrets by Lish_Ford18

  15. Can I Really Love Anything? by Lisa E. Sheroan

  16. The Whisper by Mary Denise Lyons

  17. Hope For Another Day by Fairytalefun

  18. Grief by Candace L. Mahoney

  19. The One by Gracielle N. Hew A Kee

  20. Pull A Petal by Norrel Mcfadden

  21. Call The King by Dávid Magassy

  22. How Hard The Heart by Sweet Solitude

  23. Rosie by Noel Avis

  24. Another Long Night by Ellie M. Lightman

  25. THREE DAYS by Raelene J. Elliss

  26. O' To Dream Of An Angel by Nicholas J. Thomas

  27. Let Me Go by Laura Sanders

  28. Ties That Bind by Joe Aseneka

  29. Late Frost Remembered by Eric A. Greaves

  30. I Don't Want My Boy To Go by Lisa E. Sheroan

  31. Maybe by Nevaeh

  32. The Process by Walker R. W

  33. Between The Seasons Ripe Budding Flowers by Eric English

  34. My Four Seasons by Jennifer Caldwell

  35. The Right Thing by Audra A. Allensworth

  36. One Mistake Can Change Everything by Marcia A. Newton

Submit your poem now!

The poems below have been selected as semi-finalists for the March 2024 Poetry Contest.

We look for poems that have a clear message, Are heartfelt, Appeal to a wide audience

Our Editors determine the winning poem based on content, but you can let us know your top poems by rating, sharing, adding to your favorites and commenting on your favorite poems.

View our Previous Poetry Contest Winners

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  • Poems 11
Poems About Lost Love
  • Published: January 2023

Lost Love Poems

Lost Love Poems

The loss of a lover, whether because they have passed on or for any other reason is a heartbreaking experience. Some never fully recover. There might always be a small place in your heart that holds the pain of this experience. This is natural and fine. Even when you find another person to love, it is OK to hold a place for the lover that has passed. You shared something profound together. The previous relationship that you had is not like your new relationship. Every relationship is unique and should be allowed a place in your heart.

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  • Poems 37
Poems With Repetition - Examples Of Poems With Repeated Lines Or Phrases
  • Published: March 2018

Poems With Repetition

Poems With Repetition

Repetition in poetry is when a poem has repeated lines or phrases. Repetition is used to bring a reader's attention to specific ideas or themes in the poem, and it's a useful technique to create structure in a poem.

Read more about how repetition is used in poetry

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  • Poems 28
Poems About Finding Happiness In Life
  • Published: February 2020

Poems About Happiness

Poems About Happiness

We are all searching for happiness. We want to face each day with a smile and enjoy the time we have on this earth. But how do we find it? These poems highlight the search for happiness and share the secrets people have found to truly living a joyful life.

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  • Poems 12
Poems About Fighting Breast Cancer
  • Published: October 2020

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October

Millions of women are fighting a battle with breast cancer, and hundreds of thousands more are diagnosed with it every year. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a time to spread awareness and educate people about this disease. During October, women are encouraged to get screened. People also share their stories about how they or their loved ones have been affected by breast cancer. Hearing stories from those who have walked this journey are a reminder that you are not alone. Millions of people have walked it or are currently going through this battle. May we lean on one another during times of need. And may we rally around those whose lives have been impacted by cancer.

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  • Poems 6
Beautiful Adoption Poems About The Emotional Journey Of Adoption
  • Published: January 2023

Adoption Poems

Adoption Poems

Adopted children are often referred to as chosen children. People with love to give and none to bestow it upon seek out a child to raise with love. Some parents choose to conceal their child's adoption thinking that it will only cause him pain and a sense of non-belonging. Others choose to tell their chosen child thinking that he will find out anyway. When a child finds out that he is adopted, it may give rise to feelings of confusion and alienation. The important thing to remember is that having parents that love you whether biological or chosen is a tremendous gift.

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  • Poems 10
Poems About Domestic Abuse
  • Published: October 2020

Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October

Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October

Domestic violence is more prevalent than many realize. People on the outside might not always see it, but far too many people live a nightmare with an abusive spouse or significant other. People are living in fear of the person who is supposed to love them. They are living through situations that bring harm to them physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually.

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and it’s a chance to educate the public about this terrible reality. If you are in an abusive relationship, there is hope for you. You are strong, and you are worth so much more than your current situation. There are people who long to help you. We encourage you to reach out to someone you trust or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233). Someone is waiting to talk to you and help you take the next step to break free from an abusive relationship. We hope that by reading the stories of these poets, you see that you are not alone.

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  • Poems 14
Teenager Poems - Navigating The Challenges Of Adolescence
  • Published: January 2023

Poems Between Parents And Teenagers

Poems Between Parents And Teenagers

Much has been written about the period of adolescence. This is a time when a child begins to question the value systems of his family and society and strives to form his own opinions. It is a time of great confusion and upheaval because he has thrown away the old values and has not completely formed the new ones. Parents often become shaken when they see their teenage son or daughter begin to question the values that he or she grew up with. Parents should not worry. In fact they can feel relieved that their child is beginning to become his or her own person.

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  • Poems 8
Romantic Happy Birthday Poems For Wife Or Husband
  • Published: January 2019

Happy Birthday Poems For Him Or Her

Happy Birthday Poems For Him Or Her

Your wife or husband's birthday is a great time to share all that he or she means to you. Sharing a sweet birthday poem is a great way to express your love and happy birthday wishes to him or her.

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  • Poems 7

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