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May 2024 Poetry Contest Semi-Finalists
  • Published: May 1, 2024

May 2024 Poetry Contest - $300 Cash Prize

May 2024 Poetry Contest - $300 Cash Prize

These poems have been submitted to the May 2024 Poetry Contest. Below this list you will find the semi-finalist poems.


These poems have been submitted to the May 2024 Poetry Contest.

  1. Contemplating Dating by Shirley Ann Bunyan

  2. Sing On! by David J. Herring

  3. 10:10 by Victoria C. Terrell

  4. One Nerve Song by Judith J Bentley

  5. My Friend The Tree by Virginia Bussey

  6. Imposter Syndrome by Tonya R. Zuber

  7. GROWING INTO FAITH by Raelene J. Elliss

  8. The Gift by Karen E. Dorelis

  9. Deeper Than The Waters by Victoria

  10. Love Is The Beauty by Robert L. Chisholm

  11. The Full Circle (Say You, Say Me) by Derek S. Weaver

  12. My Mother Is The Feeling by Lisa E. Sheroan

  13. The Sea Is Calling by Aaron R. Tercero-Lozano

  14. The Miracle Of Birth by Pauline Faller

  15. They Call It "Childhelp" by Rodney Timms

  16. HOPE IS A LIGHT by JaniceHingley

  17. Life's Journey by Sweet Solitude

  18. While Walking On The Beach by Ralph Quinonez

  19. Mothers Day At Mum’s by Samuel Aragone

  20. The Power Of A Tear by Michael J. Malone

  21. The Snake by Lisa E. Sheroan

  22. Happy Heavenly Mother's Day by Jac Judy A. Campbell

  23. My Puppy And I Are A Match by Phillip M. Racette

The poems below have been selected as semi-finalists for the May 2024 Poetry Contest.

We look for poems that have a clear message, Are heartfelt, Appeal to a wide audience

Our Editors determine the winning poem based on content, but you can let us know your top poems by rating, sharing, adding to your favorites and commenting on your favorite poems.

View our Previous Poetry Contest Winners

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  • Poems 7
Valentine’s Day Poems From Parents To Kids
  • Published: January 2020

Valentine's Day Poems To Kids

Valentine's Day Poems To Kids

Valentine’s Day is not only for those in romantic relationships. It can also be a time for families to celebrate their love for each other. Parents can use the holiday as an opportunity to share with their children how much they’re loved and valued in the family. Maybe this year is the year to start a new family tradition on Valentine’s Day.

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  • Poems 8
Poems Celebrating Love On Valentine's Day: Poems For The Solo Soul
  • Published: December 2022

Valentines Day Alone Poems

Valentines Day Alone Poems

Being alone while everyone is celebrating love in their lives can be an incredibly lonely and depressing experience. Valentine's Day is a time for sharing our love with those who are important to us. Not having someone to share this with does not mean, however, that we cannot also participate. All of us have people who are meaningful and special to us, these people can become an outlet for expressing our love and sharing in the festivities of celebrating love. In this way, Valentine's Day can be a time for sharing love with others even if not the traditional expression.

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  • Poems 8
Teenager Poems - Navigating The Challenges Of Adolescence
  • Published: January 2023

Poems Between Parents And Teenagers

Poems Between Parents And Teenagers

Much has been written about the period of adolescence. This is a time when a child begins to question the value systems of his family and society and strives to form his own opinions. It is a time of great confusion and upheaval because he has thrown away the old values and has not completely formed the new ones. Parents often become shaken when they see their teenage son or daughter begin to question the values that he or she grew up with. Parents should not worry. In fact they can feel relieved that their child is beginning to become his or her own person.

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  • Poems 8
Poems About Letting Go Of The Past And Moving Forward
  • Published: October 2019

Letting Go Of The Past Poems

Letting Go Of The Past Poems

For many, the past year was tough. There were unforeseeable changes, unexpected diagnoses, broken relationships, the loss of loved ones, and many heartbreaking disappointments. It was a discouraging and frustrating year, one many would never want to relive. We look toward the New Year with great expectations and a yearning for the hope that things will be better. If it was a defeating year, it might feel as though there’s no possible way for things to be better. But we must each choose to move forward and put the past behind us.

Even in the darkness, light is coming. Even in the midst of the storm, a calmness is coming. Even in the midst of brokenness, restoration is possible. 

Although we cannot change the past, we can let go of it and move forward. A New Year is a chance to start fresh and leave behind the things that have brought pain and heartbreak. 

May these poems give you the hope, inspiration, and courage to let go of the past and embrace the future to pursue a life well-lived

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  • Poems 8
Poems About Accepting What The Future Holds
  • Published: October 2019

Embracing The Future Poems

Embracing The Future Poems

Looking to the future can be scary, but it can also be exciting. We are constantly presented with new opportunities. Let’s step out and take hold of those opportunities, even when we don't know how things will turn out. 

Change is constant, and life is a journey. We don’t know what the future holds. Although there are bound to be tough things ahead, there are also going to be incredible moments that we could never have imagined. 

Take a leap of faith. Set out to do something you’ve always wanted to do. 

Look to the future with hope. There are amazing possibilities ahead. Don’t allow fear to hold you back, for a life filled with regrets of not chasing your dreams is a life filled with sorrow and bitterness. It's time to let go of the past and embrace what the future holds. 

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  • Poems 8
Haiku Nature Poems About Spring
  • Published: July 2019

Spring Haiku Poems

Spring Haiku Poems

Spring is a time of great renewal. The grasp of winter no longer holds us, and nature reveals incredible beauty. We see budding leavings, opening flowers, rainstorms that showcase rainbows, and the glowing warmth of the sun. Bees buzz from flower to flower, and the birds’ songs are heard again in the early morning hours. These nature poems highlight the loveliness spring. They are written in the form of a haiku, a three-line poem that follows the syllable count of 5-7-5. Although they are short, they capture the charm of this exquisite season.

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  • Poems 8
Poems About Having An Eating Disorder
  • Published: February 2020

Eating Disorder Poems

Eating Disorder Poems

We are all bombarded with messages about how we should look and how much we should weigh. Many people struggle with eating disorder tendencies. For some people, they binge and purge. Others significantly restrict their consumption of food and over-exercise. It’s all in pursuit of the “perfect” body. What can begin as a desire to be healthier can quickly turn into a paralyzing obsession. It feels as though the number on the scale is never good enough. The figure seen in the mirror is severely distorted in the mind of someone with an eating disorder. As with any other mental illness, it’s important to seek help from professionals who are trained to bring healing and restoration.

Every year, National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is held during the last week in February. It's a time to raise awareness about these disorders and offer resources and support to those who are facing these struggles. If you would like to know more about eating disorders, use a screening tool for yourself or a loved one, or find out how to get the necessary help, check out National Eating Disorders Association.

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  • Poems 8
Best Birthday Poems For Sisters
  • Published: July 2017

Happy Birthday Poems And Wishes For Sisters

Happy Birthday Poems And Wishes For Sisters

Your sister's birthday is an important day in her year. It's also a great time to show to her you care about her. Sharing a poem can help you express your love to her. Here is a collection of the very best Poems for a Sisters Birthday.

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  • Poems 9
Timeless Christmas Poems - Famous Poems For The Holidays
  • Published: December 2018

Famous Christmas Poems

Famous Christmas Poems

Christmas is a time for celebration, reflection, and sharing with loved ones. It's a time to come together and enjoy the warmth and joy of the holiday season. One way to celebrate Christmas is through poetry, and there are many famous Christmas poems that have become classic favorites over the years. These poems capture the spirit of Christmas and explore its themes of love, peace, hope, and joy. They are often recited, sung, and shared during the holiday season as a way to celebrate and reflect on the meaning of Christmas.

Some of the most famous Christmas poems include poems such as The Holy Night By Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the poem which created the Santa Claus we all know and love, 'Twas The Night Before Christmas By Clement Clarke Moore. 

These poems, along with many others, are a beloved part of the Christmas tradition and are sure to bring joy and cheer to anyone who reads or sings them.

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  • Poems 9
Poems Remembering The Birthday Of Loved Ones Who’ve Passed Away
  • Published: January 2019

Sad Birthday Poems

Sad Birthday Poems

Celebrating the birthday of a loved one who has passed away can be difficult. You want nothing more than for that person to be here with you. Poetry is a great source of comfort during times of grief.

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  • Poems 9
Be My Valentine Poems
  • Published: February 2020

Will You Be My Valentine?

Will You Be My Valentine?

Many people have a crush on someone but don’t say anything. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to take a chance on love. These poems are for readers who wish to make a crush aware of romantic feelings. Who do you want to be your valentine?

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  • Poems 9
Poems For Mother's Day From Sons
  • Published: May 2019

Mother's Day Poems From Sons

Mother's Day Poems From Sons

These poems for mothers from sons are perfect for sons to share with their mothers on Mother's Day. Mothers have a special bond with their sons. After all, a mother is her son's first love. As a mother ages, many times she goes from being the one to care for her son to having him be the one to look out for her.

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  • Poems 9
Quotes That Encourage You To Follow Your Dreams
  • Published: November 2017

Chase Your Dreams

Chase Your Dreams

We all have dreams we want to achieve. Sometimes we need the courage, inspiration, and motivation to chase a dream that has gotten pushed to the side.

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  • Quotes 10
Poems Of Apology And Regret To Family
  • Published: December 2022

I'm Sorry Family Poems

I'm Sorry Family Poems

When you live in close proximity with other human beings there will be many times that you will offend each other. Families inevitably hurt each other from time to time. Saying "I'm sorry" are the two words that can repair your relationship. Without apologies the bad feelings are allowed to grow until eventually they grow into something so big and ugly that it is almost impossible to repair. It is difficult to humble ourselves and admit that that we may have made a mistake. However, when you think about the repercussions of not making a simple apology, you will realize that it's worth the effort.

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  • Poems 10
Poems Of Longing: Expressing The Pain Of Missing A Friend
  • Published: December 2022

Poems About Missing A Friend

Poems About Missing A Friend

When friends are forced to be apart from each other for whatever length of time, it will be a difficult period for the two of them. They will be forced to go through their normal routines apart from each other. Each one may miss the qualities that the other contributed to the friendship. There is a saying that, "absence makes the heart grow fond". This may be an opportunity for each of them to realize how important each one is to the other's life. They will miss each other, and long for the time when they can be together again.

Find solace and connection through our collection of poems about missing a friend. These poems explore the emotions and feelings of longing for a friend who is no longer present in our lives and the enduring power of friendship

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  • Poems 10
Beautiful Adoption Poems About The Emotional Journey Of Adoption
  • Published: January 2023

Adoption Poems

Adoption Poems

Adopted children are often referred to as chosen children. People with love to give and none to bestow it upon seek out a child to raise with love. Some parents choose to conceal their child's adoption thinking that it will only cause him pain and a sense of non-belonging. Others choose to tell their chosen child thinking that he will find out anyway. When a child finds out that he is adopted, it may give rise to feelings of confusion and alienation. The important thing to remember is that having parents that love you whether biological or chosen is a tremendous gift.

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