Poems Between Parents And Teenagers
Published: January 2023

Much has been written about the period of adolescence. This is a time when a child begins to question the value systems of his family and society and strives to form his own opinions. It is a time of great confusion and upheaval because he has thrown away the old values and has not completely formed the new ones. Parents often become shaken when they see their teenage son or daughter begin to question the values that he or she grew up with. Parents should not worry. In fact they can feel relieved that their child is beginning to become his or her own person.
Teenager Poems - Navigating The Challenges Of Adolescence
Every Mom's Test
You are special; you mean the world to me.
You are my daughter, a reflection of my entity.
Every year, as I watch you grow by my side,Featured Shared StoryI am glad my mother taught me about this including religion (I am Muslim). She taught me to not do things I don't want to do; saying no is something she says a lot, and I am glad because I...
My Daughter, My Friend
I see the pain in your eyes and feeling like you do.
I wish I could take it all away and skip these years for you.
Being a teen is so very hard, it really isn't fairFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
The Mirror
Look into the mirror and tell me who you see
Is it someone you love and in someone you believe?
The mirror will not lie and it only knows youFeatured Shared StoryI am fifteen turning sixteen in about two months and this poem was so beautifully written, it just really makes me think about myself and how I should change the way I see myself and others....
To My Teenager
It's hard sometimes, when people are changing their lives
To understand each other or even talk
You are struggling right now for independenceFeatured Shared StoryGod gave us our children, not to control them but to bring them up in the way they would go - not necessarily our way. It is a very sad thing when that happens to you. It has happened to...
My Daughter
What exactly have I done so wrong?
I've listened to her cries and her pleas
I tried to understand all of her needs, hopes and dreams
Yet as time goes on she continues hating meFeatured Shared StoryIt just made me open my eyes and realize what my mom is going through. I need to make sure I change.
Featured Shared Story
This is such a strong poem. It touched my heart. I know what it feels like to be in that situation. This poem helped me realize that I'm not in this alone.