Acrostic Poems For Family

Published: April 2019

Acrostic Poems For Fathers, Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters And Brothers

An acrostic poem is a fun poetry form where letters within the lines of that poem (at the beginning, middle, or end) spell out a specific word. That word is reflective of the topic or theme of the poem.

These acrostic poems highlight the tight bond between family members. They include Acrostic poems for Fathers, Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters and Brothers.

14 Acrostic Poems For Fathers, Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters And Brothers

  1. Father

    • By Jodi M. Kucera
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My dad passed away, and I write to work through it. Hope you like it!

    in Loss of Father Poems

    Forever in my heart,
    Always on my mind.
    Together again we will be, all in God's time.
    Heaven gained another angel the day you left.


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    I am so sorry for your loss. I was searching for words to add to my father's tribute. My sister sent me this poem. I would like to use it with your permission.

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  2. Grandma

    • By Ilona M. Blake
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Today was the hardest day of my life. I attended my grandma's funeral. Seeing my mum so upset broke my heart. Although my grandma was 94, no time is ever a good time to say goodbye. Grandma, may you be happy tonight as you rest in peace side by side with Grandpa. Going to miss you so much. Love you with all my heart.

    in Grandmother Death Poems

    Grandma is one special angel, a
    Really gentle, beautiful soul.
    Angel of God, so pure and whole.
    Never leave me, stay close by.


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  4. My Father

    The bond between a father and a daughter is special. For every daughter, her father is the world...her rock-solid support and personal superhero.

    in Father Poems

    F is for Friendly; with him, fun times I share.
    A is for Amazing; his heart is full of compassion and care.
    T is for Truthful; his values have helped me stand tall.
    H is for Helpful; his generosity is valued by all.


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  5. You Are God's Glorious Gift!

    • By Lalitha A. Mishra
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    God put years in my life; she put life in my daughter! When she gurgled in my arms as a newborn, I was ecstatic! When her baby lips called "mamma," my heart did cartwheels. When she clutched my thumb tight on her first day of school, I felt a pang too. With her achievements, my chest swelled with pride. With her disappointments, I was crestfallen too. Now, watching the chrysalis emerging into a butterfly, a rainbow of emotions envelops me. Truly, as a daughter grows, a mother glows!

    in Daughter Poems

    D azzling is your smile; it lights up my way
    A s I go about my mundane chores every day.
    U nfailingly, I look forward to our daily chat.
    G enuine and deep is our bond, I believe that.


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  7. My Mother

    This is an acrostic poem about my mother who has always been a very significant person in the journey through my life. Behind every man's success, there is a woman, and surely that woman is no one other than my mother. This poem is a kind of tribute to her for the sacrifices she made for me and to tell her that I love her as always.

    in Mother Poems

    M-My life would be a mess without you.
    O-Of many sacrifices, I can remember you made and ever do.
    T-The selfless love and kindness is an abundant blessing.
    H-Heart of yours as beautiful as the view of a sun rising.


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  8. Grandmother

    • By Shrabasti Batabyal
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My grandmother (Aparna Sengupta) left us on March 12, 2017, on the day of Holi. The gods welcomed her in their garden after a year of extreme pain and suffering. Two years have passed, but I still miss my granny a lot. She was the person with whom I spent the long lonely hours. She was the person with whom I used to sleep. Her presence was the relief, the place of confession that my young mind searched for. I missed her for the last two years, I miss her today, and I will always miss her in my life.

    in Grandmother Poems

    G for the Glamour of her wrinkled, old face.
    R for the way my mind she used to Refresh.
    A for her Anger, which knew no bounds.
    N is how she Nurtured us without a sound.


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  9. My Children Are My World

    • By Kathy Murphy
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My 3 sons mean everything to me. I would do anything for them, and they, for me. I am truly blessed.

    in Children Poems

    M...y life is good., I'm glad to be me.

    C...hildren running everywhere,


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  10. Celebrating Fathers

    • By Don Mathis
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2017 with permission of the Author.

    In acrostic poems, the first letters of each line are aligned vertically to form a word. This one forms Father's Day.

    in Father's Day Poems

    Fathers are fun - and serious too!
    And you learn more from them than you do at school.
    Think of all the good times you've had.
    How would it be without your dad?


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  11. A Family

    • By Patricia Biddle
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

    My name is Patricia, and I am the eighth of nine children. My parents taught us growing up that God and family are there for you when no one else is. As a result of our upbringing, we are a very close knit family. My family has stood by my side through the good times and the bad, as I have been there for them. Without their support I am not sure I would be where I am today. My family is comprised of not only my parents, brothers and sisters, but also my true and loyal friends.

    in Acrostic Poems

    F - Fiercely loyal to those we love.
    A - Accepting each for who and what they are.
    M - Matchless in our hopes and dreams for one another.
    I - Instilling pride in our hard-fought heritage.


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    This poem makes feel that family are important in life no matter what happens because they are going to be there. I enjoy reading this poem.

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  12. My Mother, My Friend

    • By CINDY L Nelson
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This is an acrostic poem written for my mother; she passed away two years ago. The reason I still write today is because of her. I learned that writing poetry really helps a person dealing with the loss. Also, meeting wonderful people on a wonderful poem website. God has blessed me!

    in Mother Death Poems

    MOTHER, I want you to know I love you so.
    YOUR'E missed beyond belief, for you will never know.

    MEMORY is what God gave to us; you are my hero.


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    A beautiful Acrostic poem, Cindy, in memory of your mother. I miss my mother, too. Not a day goes by when I don't think of her. She was amazing, as all mothers are. A mother holds your heart...

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  13. Sister

    This is an acrostic poem for my dear sister. She is the breadwinner in our family. My sister not only provides for us financially but also spiritually. Through this short poem I'll be able to extend my gratitude for her unceasing generosity. I would like to share this poem to inspire others in my own little way.

    in Sister Poems

    Sister is a gem in the family
    Intelligent and kind to everyone
    Secure and provides our needs
    Teaches us to be good stewards


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  14. Father

    • By Taraw-81
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My acrostic poem is about the impression that my father-in-law made on me. He was, hands down, one of my heroes in life. He will be greatly missed, and no one will ever take his place.

    in Father Poems

    Facing some of the toughest times in life
    Always seem a little easier with someone by your side
    Two have always been better than one.
    He taught me that and taught me how to have fun.


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  15. Family

    • By Alice Sukuna
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    It is an Acrostic poem that spells out FAMILY. I'm a shy person who doesn't like talking to people much, or simply put, I'm usually lonely and emotional too. But my sister and my parents still do love me for the person I am and encourage me any way possible. So in this poem, I wanted to show and prove to others that no matter what happens, the only people who'll always love you is your family. They are an irreplaceable existence.

    in Acrostic Poems

    Forever together,
    Alone no more.
    Many precious memories, which gives out an
    Indescribable feeling of


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  16. Brothers - Game For A Laugh

    • By Graham Craven
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My brother and I shared some great adventures when we were young, but as we grew older, we may have been guilty of trying to out-do each other. We would always have a laugh about it though.

    in Brother Poems

    Back in the day when we were young,
    Risking our necks on some great adventure,
    Others would mock our idea of fun,
    Telling tall tales or hiding Gran's dentures.


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