Children's Poetry On Social Media - Page 3
When I Meet A Fairy
Though I have never, ever met a fairy,
I am quite certain that they exist.
I read about them every day in stories and poems,
So I know they’re living somewhere in our midst.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
It's Hard To Listen
It’s hard to listen,
hard to stop thinking
about what I want to say,
hard to stop searchingFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
At What Time Does Night Arrive?
Have you ever seen the exact moment when Night
Descends from above, and spreads darkness everywhere?
Night comes so quietly, and chases Day away so thoroughly,
That it doesn’t leave even a speck of light behind in the air!Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!