Childhood Memories

Published: April 2020

Poems About Reminiscing On Childhood

Growing up is inevitable. No matter how much we want to hold onto our childhood, life is going to move forward. At some point, our childhood becomes something we look back on instead of something we’re currently experiencing. Each generation’s childhood is marked with different characteristics. No matter how old you are, it seems that every generation believes life was slower and sometimes better than daily life today. This is a collection of poems about those simpler times. The poems are filled with sentimental longing for the days gone by. What fond memories do you have from your childhood? For a moment, take a stroll down memory lane and reminisce about the good old days. They might be just a memory now, but what a beautiful memory they are. They are a reminder of glorious days, the days that made you who you are today.

18 Poems About Reminiscing On Childhood

  1. Kid Stuff

    I have been writing stories and verses for as long as I can remember. I married in 1982. My wife of 29 years passed away 6 years ago, which left a void I'm still trying to fill. I have returned to writing as a way to overcome my loss and keep my mind alive. Getting published is not a main concern. I love to write. I'm hoping some will identify with what I've written here. Next month I turn 72, so I'm not looking for fame. I hope you enjoy my poem.

    in Aging Poems

    Many, many years ago
    When I was just a kid,
    And I had just began to grow,
    There's stuff I had and did.


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    Ah, blissful childhood memories. Raised in a rural community, most relatives and friends lived on farms. Being a town kid, homemade fried chicken dinners in an oversized farm kitchen, that...

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  2. The Box

    • By Rick Hunter
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2021 with permission of the Author.

    A nostalgic look at life through the eyes of a child via a cardboard box.

    in Growing Up Poems

    As I look back to when I was but a boy,
    I'd have to say a cardboard box was my favorite toy.

    There were no action figures in this day,


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  4. Childhood Memories

    • By Paul L. Kennedy
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2020 with permission of the Author.

    Looking back to many years now long passed and remembering the happy, innocent times we had when we were children, we were so lucky as we lived on a post war prefab estate with over 200 children almost all of the same age. We lived next to a large green belt area called Barn Hill. It was a child's playground heaven, consisting of lots of woods, open grassland areas, and a pond.

    in Change Poems

    I was happy when I was a lad.
    It wasn't all good, but it wasn't half bad.

    We played with sticks we played with stones;


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  5. A Christmas Long Gone

    • By Eric R. Harvey
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2021 with permission of the Author.

    It is about Christmas back in the fifties and sixties. It tells of a young boy's excitement on the Eve of Christmas.

    in Christmas Poems

    I lie here awake, afraid to sleep.
    I've prayed the Lord my soul to keep.
    My stocking is hung on my bed,
    Really brother's long sock instead.


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  7. I Remember

    • By Abundance Nwosu
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Childhood is an important stage in everyone's life. It's when we start to develop, learn new things and discover more about the world we live in. We start to have aspirations of the future, imagining the endless possibility out in the world. I wrote this poem as I felt it was important to highlight the good things of childhood. Although every word is not as it happened, my childhood is something I wouldn't want to forget, always embedded in my mind.

    in Growing Up Poems

    I remember-
    of days so long in the past
    when I wished I would grow up so fast.


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    The childhood of a person might be a mixture of both pleasant and unpleasant memories. Mine is dominated by unpleasant memories, but I love to read and listen to the pleasant experiences of...

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  8. The Olden Days

    My poem tells the story of a time I long for, a time that was free, open, and welcoming to the kids in my neighbourhood. We knew our neighbours and all the kids. They were an extension of our family. Our modern world had lost that community spirit, and I feel very sad about that. My poem expresses that loss.

    in Change Poems

    Back in the day, life was so clear
    Families gathered and shared in the cheer
    We spent our Pounds, Schillings and Pence
    A time when our society had more sense


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    Wow, a telling reminiscence. Looks like we've come a long way. But there is hope, especially with poems like this to remind and encourage us towards better living.

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  9. Golden Days

    • By Olivia
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2016 with permission of the Author.

    I was just missing my childhood days, so this was the outcome!

    in Growing Up Poems

    Those were the days...

    When I used to get up late,
    Never cared about the day and date.


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  10. Simpler Times

    • By Ayush Sharma
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2019 with permission of the Author.

    When I used to be a child, I always wanted to get older so that I could do whatever I wanted. But now, I wish I could have that childhood of mine once again. I wish I could go back to that time again, away from all the complexities of the world, of which I was unaware when I was a child.

    in Change Poems

    Take me back to those simpler times
    When all I sang were nursery rhymes,
    When stealing chocolates was my only crime,
    When sleep used to come early, at nine,


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    This poem is very relatable. I remember always wanting to act like an adult and dressing up like one. Looking back, I should have enjoyed being a kid for as long as I could. Let this remind...

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  11. Riches

    • By Jeanne D. Rhein
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

    Those with a loving family are wealthier than those with much money.

    in Loving Poems about Family

    They say that times were tough then
    That money was very tight
    But I remember my childhood
    And I know that can't be right


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    It was a very good poem. It reminded me of my childhood. When we did not have much money but we had eggs from our chicken's house. We have plenty of fruits and vegetables and...

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  12. I Was Thinking Of Love And You Came To Mind

    • By April Johnson
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    The poem below is dedicated to my Grandmother.

    in Grandmother Poems

    I was thinking of love, and you came to mind.
    I have many memories I would like to rewind.

    Do you remember those days I would lie in your lap


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    My dad grew up hungry and on a dirt floor. He had to work when he was twelve. He sold ice cream cones to people at the train station. My mother had four siblings and a father who left and...

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  13. My Childhood Christmas Memories

    • By Paul Hayward
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2018 with permission of the Author.

    I've always loved Christmas, but I've never recaptured the magic of childhood Christmases; that is until I had a child of my own. A childhood Christmas is the best Christmas - full of innocence and wonderment, and seeing it through the eyes of a child once more is a true gift.

    in Christmas Poems

    My childhood Christmas memories always make me smile.
    I'll often drift to long ago and stay there for a while.
    Remember singing carols long before the date?
    Of counting days from Halloween, I really couldn't wait.


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    I was very touched by this story, because it brought back my Christmas memories. I come from a family of 13 children I'm next to the youngest, but Christmas was the happiest day for all of...

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  14. Remembering

    • By Alora M. Knight
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2015 with permission of the Author.

    At 93 years old, I have many sleepless nights, and I find comfort in remembering my childhood home on the farm. Having lived through an era of the greatest changes in history, I feel grateful to have witnessed it all.

    in Aging Poems

    When sleepless I lie,
    As the hours slip by,
    I go walking the paths back home.
    I hear the meadowlark's song


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  15. Summer Days

    • By Zoe E. McCabe
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My poem is about summer days and to appreciate the life around you.

    in Summer Poems

    The sun, it fades in the moonlight.
    The stars, they fade in the daylight.

    The cold breezes are strong in winter and spring,


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  16. Our TV Set Was Black And White

    I was reminiscing about the early days of television before the advent of the remote control, recorders, twin tuners, streaming, etc. We now take for granted the technology that allows us so much choice (some would say too much choice) as to what we watch and when and how we watch it. No more abandoning your coffee making and sprinting back to the living room to shouts of, "It's on!!"

    in Humorous Poems

    Our TV set was black and white
    And on its spindly legs it stood;
    More deep than wide with dials that clicked,
    All curved glass screen and grain of wood.


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    Hi Raelene. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my poems. I really appreciate the kind feedback. Kind regards, Cynthia

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  17. Endless Summer

    There are times when I look back and remember happier times.

    in Summer Poems

    Oh, for those cloudless days of old
    when holidays went on forever,
    clear blue skies were lit with gold.


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    I can remember those lovely summer vacations with all my neighborhood friends, soaking in my 2-foot pool, riding bikes, sitting by the river, playing wiffle and kick ball on my street and the...

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  18. The Fifties

    Prolific poet Barbara Crooker recaptures on a flat canvas (paper, words) the three-dimensional world of her childhood. The poem takes a deeper emotional turn towards the end.

    in Summer Poems

    We spent those stifling endless summer afternoons
    on hot front porches, cutting paper dolls from Sears
    catalogs, making up our own ideal families
    complete with large appliances


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    This one brought me back, way back. I lived that kind of life, and I look back on it fondly. Time seemed to move so slowly back then. We were rushing to grow up. Little did any of us know...

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  19. Home Away From Home

    • By Terry Wheeler
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

    Memories of fun at grandma and grandpa's.

    in Home Poems

    I remember when we were little kids
    and would stay at grandma and grandpa's house all night.

    We would get scolded when we talked in bed


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  20. Ranch Of Memories

    • By Atusa S. Hangafarin
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is about remembering a favorite childhood place. Grandpa's ranch is a place a girl fondly remembers as her favorite place in the world. Her soul can roam free in the natural world.

    in Home Poems

    My feet pressed against the dusty roads.
    The cool breeze skimmed my face.
    The air's fragrance, a mixture of fruit and flowers, traveled through my nose.
    Down the slopes I would race,


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