Adoption Poems
Published: January 2023

Adopted children are often referred to as chosen children. People with love to give and none to bestow it upon seek out a child to raise with love. Some parents choose to conceal their child's adoption thinking that it will only cause him pain and a sense of non-belonging. Others choose to tell their chosen child thinking that he will find out anyway. When a child finds out that he is adopted, it may give rise to feelings of confusion and alienation. The important thing to remember is that having parents that love you whether biological or chosen is a tremendous gift.
Beautiful Adoption Poems About The Emotional Journey Of Adoption
Growing Up With Grandma
I don't know when it happened.
I don't know when she came,
But she's the one I always knew.
Grandma was her name.Featured Shared StoryThis a was beautifully written piece. It "touched me" as the question asked. It also made me think about what my Grandma has been doing for me. This is encouraging, good work.
Bright Blue Eyes
My Mother gave me my talents and traits.
My Mam taught me to embrace them.
My Mother gave me my fears and doubts.Featured Shared StoryThis story touched my heart deeply. As an adoptee, I relate to this greatly. Thank you so much.
What Is A Dad?
A Dad is patient, helpful, and strong
He is there by your side when things go wrong
He's someone who guides you to do the right thing
And helps you solve problems that life sometimes bringsFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
To A Mother I Never Knew
To a mother I never knew,
From a son who desperately misses you.
There were so many times I would imagine you,Featured Shared StoryI really felt this poem because I went through the same things. I was never really with my mother in my life. I was adopted by my aunt and uncle at the age of two. I used to always cry...
Who Are We?
My mother was adopted.
All the records tightly sealed.
Now all she has are questions,
Like wounds that never healed.Featured Shared StoryFor some of us, meeting our parents saved our lives. I'm sorry things got hard. It is definitely hard to look at yourself and wonder where your nose, eyes, etc. came from. It's difficult to...
Thank You For Taking Care Of Me
Thank you
For everything you have ever done
To make my life better.
I might deny it sometimes,Featured Shared StorySince I was born, I have never been loved by a person like the way my parents do. I was sometimes naughty, but they guided me through the right path. Days were sometimes dark friends turned...
Sisters' Reunion
in Sister Poems
My Dearest Sister,
This journey has been long.
This experience like a favorite song.
Dreams realized and not abandoned,Featured Shared StoryAfter fostering and then adopting my dear little sister for three years, I am now 13 and my older sister 15. The little one welcomed into our family from adoption is 5. Fostering children had...
For My Children
I remember my pregnancy with you
I fell in love with your every move, and with the sound of your beating heart.
I held your precious body in my arms for the first time and took in your sweet, angelic presence.
Nothing could prepare me for what would lie ahead.Featured Shared StoryI also gave my 5-year-old daughter up for adoption to a member of my deceased husband's family! I only saw her a few times after, and it broke my heart the times when I did get to see her!...
My Choice
The first time I looked into your eyes I cried.
You looked at me, knowing who I was,
Falling asleep because you knew you were safe.
I held you close as much as I could, knowing who you wereFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
From The Love Of A Grandmother
From the moment I knew of you, so many emotions filled my mind.
This wasn't supposed to happen, not right now; I cried.
My love for you began to grow, which makes this so very hard.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!