Acrostic Poetry Contest Semi-Finalists - Page 2

  1. Healing Within

    The pain from the death of a loved one never goes away; we just learn how to live without them.

    in In Memory Poems

    Happiness is my veil,
    Emptiness in my heart.
    Always carrying you within me,
    Like you never left my side.


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  2. Glorious Spring

    • By Shayan Das
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Spring is known as the season of life. Nature gets back its color in this splendid season. Spring had been the heart of imagination for thousands of poets and artists since hundreds of years, and truly the exquisite beauty of spring has inspired me to write this short acrostic poem.

    in Spring Poems

    Sing the birds; the season has come.
    Prettiest look nature does hold.
    Rejoices the Earth, her color winsome.
    Idyllic her beauty, pretty as gold.


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  4. Finding Relief

    • By Gabriella Acevedo
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem because I always turn to poetry when I am feeling overwhelmed. It always helps to help me unwind and find comfort in knowing I am not the only one whose mind is always troubled.

    in Acrostic Poems

    Running away from my troubles I begin to,
    Envy all the others whose
    Lives seem all too easy, but
    I have come to find a resting place, for poetry has become my


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    I was certainly touched by this simple yet beautiful poem. It is not propped up with long, clever words, neither does it regress into tear jerking sentiment, but still transmits a powerful...

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  5. Nature Speaks

    • By Dionie B. Fernandez
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    I love nature. As I marvel at its beauty, I am reminded of my responsibility to care for it.

    in Environment Poems

    Nature paints the waters blue and the mountains green,
    As the music of swaying trees and roaming beasts reign.
    Touching human hearts in breathtakingly amazing scenes.
    Under the blue sky, God's unconditional love is evidently seen.


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  7. Best Friends

    • By Sandy Maloof
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    An acrostic poem that tells of my friendship with a friend of over 40 years! Being able to talk freely with another person is rare, but it's a gift of a close friend. This is what marks a true friendship!

    in Best Friend Poems

    Friendship is one that
    Relies on trust,
    Instilled between two people
    Eager to share their ups and downs,


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    This is the wish of every person. A genuine person might get a genuine friend.

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  8. The Poetry Masters

    • By Debra L. Brown
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    I have always had a love for history of any kind. This poem reflects on a few of the great poets in history and some of the poetry styles they used.

    in Acrostic Poems

    This is to all the great Master Poets of art,
    Having the skills, the words, and the smarts.
    Emotions you've captured, the thoughts you provoked.


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    Thank you, Richard, for taking the time out to comment on my poem. I'm glad you enjoyed it. "How do I love thee?" is my favorite poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. I have enjoyed it for...

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  9. Interconnection Of Souls And Poetry

    • By Beryl L Edmonds
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    To me, poetry means interconnection of souls. Those who read and those who write share the mysteries, beauty, and the sorrows of life.

    in Creative Poems

    Inspiration comes from all kinds of things
    Nature in bloom of her blossoming Spring
    The wondrous feeling of a first romance
    Excited yet scared of taking the chance


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    Sis Beryl, such great writing. Superb. Every line is beautiful and flows and rhymes. This acrostic is the greatest as per me. God bless your poetic talent.

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  10. Life Of A Poet

    Poetry is my therapy! When no one is there to listen, pen and paper always are.

    in Acrostic Poems

    pen and "P"aper
    poems and qu"O"tes
    writing's th"E" refuge
    tha"T" gives me hope


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  11. Humanity

    This poem is about being human and what that entails.

    in Compassion Poems

    Helping even when you're weary
    Understanding other's pain
    Managing to let hurt go
    And forgiving once again


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  12. My Mother, My Friend

    • By CINDY L Nelson
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This is an acrostic poem written for my mother; she passed away two years ago. The reason I still write today is because of her. I learned that writing poetry really helps a person dealing with the loss. Also, meeting wonderful people on a wonderful poem website. God has blessed me!

    in Mother Death Poems

    MOTHER, I want you to know I love you so.
    YOUR'E missed beyond belief, for you will never know.

    MEMORY is what God gave to us; you are my hero.


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    A beautiful Acrostic poem, Cindy, in memory of your mother. I miss my mother, too. Not a day goes by when I don't think of her. She was amazing, as all mothers are. A mother holds your heart...

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  13. Sister

    This is an acrostic poem for my dear sister. She is the breadwinner in our family. My sister not only provides for us financially but also spiritually. Through this short poem I'll be able to extend my gratitude for her unceasing generosity. I would like to share this poem to inspire others in my own little way.

    in Sister Poems

    Sister is a gem in the family
    Intelligent and kind to everyone
    Secure and provides our needs
    Teaches us to be good stewards


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  14. Father

    • By Taraw-81
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My acrostic poem is about the impression that my father-in-law made on me. He was, hands down, one of my heroes in life. He will be greatly missed, and no one will ever take his place.

    in Father Poems

    Facing some of the toughest times in life
    Always seem a little easier with someone by your side
    Two have always been better than one.
    He taught me that and taught me how to have fun.


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  15. Family

    • By Alice Sukuna
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    It is an Acrostic poem that spells out FAMILY. I'm a shy person who doesn't like talking to people much, or simply put, I'm usually lonely and emotional too. But my sister and my parents still do love me for the person I am and encourage me any way possible. So in this poem, I wanted to show and prove to others that no matter what happens, the only people who'll always love you is your family. They are an irreplaceable existence.

    in Acrostic Poems

    Forever together,
    Alone no more.
    Many precious memories, which gives out an
    Indescribable feeling of


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  16. Brothers - Game For A Laugh

    • By Graham Craven
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My brother and I shared some great adventures when we were young, but as we grew older, we may have been guilty of trying to out-do each other. We would always have a laugh about it though.

    in Brother Poems

    Back in the day when we were young,
    Risking our necks on some great adventure,
    Others would mock our idea of fun,
    Telling tall tales or hiding Gran's dentures.


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  17. What Poetry Mean To Me: Encouragement

    • By Meena
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This is an acrostic poem about what poetry mean to me. Poetry means everything to me, but it is mostly my source of encouragement when my whole life turns upside down.

    in Acrostic Poems

    Each day you've proven to be my source of peace,
    Never judging me, giving me room to breathe as I
    Carefully try to form the perfect rhyme.
    Over and over, trying to get it right,


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  18. Our Soul

    • By Sandra Hearth
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    What makes us, us? How are we so capable of stunning beauty? Where does love start? What makes you, you? The core of our being, the essence of our life. Our make-up, our center, our soul.

    in Meaningful Poems

    S is the Spark that give us our glow.
    O is for Original, each and every one we know.
    U is for Unique; we never cease to amaze,
    L is the gift of Love to share for always.


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  19. I Have Found The One

    • By Hanna Eardley
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is about finding the "one." I recently got engaged to my friend of eleven years.

    in Falling in Love Poems

    I set forth the hand upon you

    Holding tight to all that's near
    Alerting my heart to tremors


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