Heartbreak Poem

I am a woman of independence. I can say that I am successful in my family, work, studies, and career, everything except in love. At the age of 24, for the first time in my life, I fell in love with someone. I thought my first love would last, but I made mistakes. I lost love because of what I am. The guy thinks I am a woman so hard to reach for....it breaks my heart and every time I think of him, I really don't know how to mend my broken heart.....worst, he's eyeing our common friend.

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When I was 19 (I'm 21 now), my first love was far away. It was a long-distance relationship. I never thought that would happen to me. We had such a great time. She was my everything. I didn't...

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My First Love...My First Heartbreak

© more by Hydz Trinidad

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2009 with permission of the Author.

I never thought I would love someone like you,
Never in my dreams that I would meet you.
But then, as I traveled on my life's journey,
You walked into my life, and I fell for you.

I never knew how it was to be in love
Until that very special moment.
You brought wonderful things in my life.
You opened my eyes to see the beauty of love.

You were my first kiss.
You were the first guy who hugged me tenderly.
You were the first man who held my hand lovingly.
You were my first love.

You were the one who taught me how to love sincerely.
You showed me the way to your heart.
You've taught me everything that I should know about love.
I told myself, the story of my life is all about you.

You cared for me, and I really appreciated it.
You showed me how to love unselfishly,
But you never taught me the art of letting go.
You never taught me the cure of hurting so much.

I thought my first love would be my last.
I thought it's you that I'd belong to,
But now, what I once thought remains as thoughts,
For you are now waiving goodbye.

All your smiles were for me
But now, they're for somebody else.
Your stare so full of love,
It's for someone's comfort.

The hug and kiss that I once had,
Your heart once all mine,
Now, they all belong to somebody.
It hurts to know you are already gone.

Deep in me, I made a promise.
I will never fall in love again,
Unless it's you, my first love,
My one and only...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mona by Mona
  • 6 years ago

When I was 19 (I'm 21 now), my first love was far away. It was a long-distance relationship. I never thought that would happen to me. We had such a great time. She was my everything. I didn't care about the distance or age difference between us, but she just wanted to stop the affair. I still miss her...almost 2 years later. I've been all alone for two years. I still love her without expectation. I will still wait for the day that she calls me babe and makes me smile.

  • Kaboom by Kaboom
  • 7 years ago

I am just a simple person with a big dream without thinking in any topic of love until I saw her. She was not too famous in that time until I confesed that I loved her and she also felt that for me. We always had a lot of cries every day, but we always fixed them up before any bad things happened. My friends helped me to know her, about her and her personality. She was so beautiful when I first saw her. I always appreciated her beautiful when I saw her everyday. Until she say YES to me. I always give my time to her, always take care of her, and my full effort to feel how I love her. She is my first love. She teaches me how to love but not in giving up when it's done. But I still love her and think of her when I found a girl. SHE is always on my head. I dont know how? Why?

  • Charmaine Mendez by Charmaine Mendez, quezon City Philippines
  • 9 years ago

I had a boyfriend for 9 years, going 10. My first love , the man I prayed for and now my first heartbreak. I Loved him but I lost him because of my shortcomings. I was giving in to his requests but he didn't noticed my efforts. I know he is a lot happier without me. I am moving on and accepting the fact we can never be together, anymore.

  • Tar by Tar
  • 11 years ago

My first love was my next door neighbor for 18 years. We fell for each other when I was 15. He was my hero as well. For 10 years we saw each other when we were both available or in town from college. Our families were close. My senior year of college he called me to come home in April Asked me if I was ready to have kids and settle down. I was taken by surprise. I said I still have to finish school this summer and lets see then. I went back to school. He met a girl from Texas in a bar. That summer got her pregnant and married her for he told me he could not have a child with out a father. She did not believe in abortion. I had known him since I was 4 and it crushed me. However he told me he would always be there for me. Believe it or not he has. Still married however we still talk.

  • Baby K by Baby K, Sa
  • 11 years ago

I cant get enough of this poem. I also lost my first love due to his lies and cheating around Febuary. Every single day I think of him wishing things were different and maybe I would be with him again. But hey, I have to let him go even though it's still hard...I'll will never forget him, my first, my one and only love.

  • Pretty P by Pretty P, USA
  • 12 years ago

ahh lovely poem wish I could write as well as that, my dream is to be a poet so I always check this website and make notes for when I am older.... love the website too, go www.familyfriendpoems.com

  • Hydz Trinidad by Hydz Trinidad
  • 9 years ago

Thank you very much Anna Rivas, Pretty P and to you all..I am very honored to receive your appreciation..

  • Momma T by Momma T
  • 12 years ago

Well, here's a true love story....I met my first love at the age of 10 (16 years ago). We were friends at first actually for a few years. We started dating when I was about 14 he was 15...We actually became each others first everything from first love, first kiss and so on... We dated off and on until I was 18. Still had a few flings here and there until I met my child's father, had a kid with him. My first love and I lost contact for a few years and he found me on Facebook of all places. Came out another state and moved me back home....within the first 2 months of talking to him again. We both now have kids by other people. We've just moved in together a few months back and are so in love again it's crazy! True love does happen. This is has been going on for 16 years... we still have each other. Still deeply, madly in love. hopefully it does last for another 16 years. :)

  • Jessica by Jessica, Winston Salem NC
  • 12 years ago

Hummm my first love ... we were 15 and together every chance we got . It was perfect over 2 years and then things changed. I found someone new and fell in love all over and the night before my wedding I get an email telling me not to do it. He's always in the back of my mind. I still see and talk to him and it still hurts. He's always there! My husband cheated on me and I ran to him and he was there with open arms waiting to catch me when I fell! Maybe one day when we are older if our relationships don't work there will be something still there! He's always been my first and maybe my last?

  • Anna Rivas by Anna Rivas
  • 12 years ago

I was only sixteen when I had my first kiss. It happened at my sister's quinceanera. His name's Andres. He came with his mom Nora. She and my mom work at the same hotel. While my sister was on her new laptop, he and I talked in her room since my older cousin refuse to leave my room. I told him I never had a first kiss or a boyfriend. He got on the bed and we kissed. It was beautiful. I was happy. I cried when I didn't seen him again. My heart was broken. I felt that he might be the one. Your poem was beautiful. Very amazing. Anyone who hates it doesn't even know how to write one as good as yours.

  • Sandhya by Sandhya, India
  • 13 years ago

We were schoolmates. We used to fight a lot but afterwards we transferred to another place. After many years we met each other. After some time he proposed me and I fell in love with him. We both had a common friend. I told my boyfriend I also like the other friend but he mistook me to love the other friend and started relating everything I talked to him to the other friend. One day he stopped talking to me saying that I don't love him but I love the other friend. I tried to convince him a lot I tried my best to prove my love for him. He is not ready to be convinced . What can I do??? I am filled with tears my heart is broken.

To Britanny Calhoun, Shianne, Immi, Ashante and Bianca, Thank you very much for sharing your stories. I am glad that you like my poem. It is really a pleasure and I truly appreciate you guys...

  • Biancca by Biancca, Canada
  • 14 years ago

Justin was my first "real" boyfriend. we had been together for almost 10 months. I as so in love with him, he taught me what love was, how to love, and what love felt like, he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. everything was perfect and then it started to get rocky around 6 or 7 months and I worked so hard to make it last. I love him with all my heart, we were supposed to last forever...he proposed to me. but today...Christmas day 2010...we broke up. I feel like my world is shattered and I'm depressed. I've been crying for 5 hours now, I need him back. I miss him

  • Ashante` by Ashante`, Namibia
  • 14 years ago

Beautiful and touching, I know exactly how that feels, I'm 18 and last year I also fell in love and after my heart got broken I vowed never to fall in love or get attached to any guy.

  • Immi by Immi, Pakistan
  • 14 years ago

I was in 7th standard and he was in 8th. We used to make fun of each other everytime we get a chance to. One day he proposed me and I agreed ...because I wanted to pass my time and nothing else. We make this relationship for 5 years... ups and downs came and we suffered through many problems and issues but nothing happened like that. Our family don't want us to be together and lots of drama had happened and finally now we are not more with each other... by loving him all I have got from him is insult. Sometimes he behaves like he loves me the most and sometime he behaves like I'm nothing in front of him. I loved him and I don't know why I love him soo much because what he did to me was just unfair. I did everything for him and he left me like this. He promised me that he will stand for me and fight for me.. but he didn't even contact me after all... not a single text or miscall, no email no message nothing. but I m waiting for him .and I will wait till my last breath.

  • Shianne by Shianne
  • 14 years ago

I've loved and lost my first and only true love. It hurt more then the pain of losing a tooth or breaking an arm. Realizing that he wasn't who I thought and we weren't what I wanted. Of course I loved him more then my life, well he was my life. And then one day everything changed and my heart was once broken, people who said they were friends were just people who didn't want us to be happy. Lies and rumors changed everything. We said we didn't care and we acted like it wasn't said but we remembered and bring it up when ever we fight and then one day it got to the point were the fighting had stopped, the love froze and the tears started. Not knowing how I could move on, I try to forget everything, but it didn't work. When I was in love it was amazing and then all of it just become a bad ending. Never so happy again. But until this day he's my friend and of course I'll love him and to be honest I do love him whether or not he feels the same.

  • Brittany Calhoun by Brittany Calhoun
  • 15 years ago

Well Hi, I'm 18 years old now. Well 2 years ago I fell for this one boy and we were together for almost a year and a half and we both fell in love with each other and a lot of drama had happened with friends trying to break us up and now its really hard seeing him with other girls now because he was my first true love and I never wanted to lose him ever and it happened. Now I'm just trying my hardest to get him back and he said he really wanted to be with me but he didn't want anyone to come between us again he wants our relationship to be perfect again. So yeah this is my story about my first true and only love.

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