Just Friends Poem

To The Guy Who Stole My Heart

This is to the one guy that stole my heart and that I fell in love with. This is to my 1st love

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Every time I look into your eyes, you remind me of the ocean - beautiful yet so strong. And every time we say goodbye I feel like I could cry. When you're upset, I always know something's...

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He Is Too Good To Be True

© more by Angela Gutierrez

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

When I first meet you we were suppose to be friends
Who would of thought that I would love you in the end?
We talked and talked for months and months
Got to know each other in a way that no one would
I didn't want to give you my heart I was so scared that
You would tear it apart, but then I gradually let to commit the perfect crime
Cause you stole my heart with no intentions of giving it back
Now is the time for us to grow old together that is what you say
But I just cannot wait for that special day.
Every time that I'm with you I still get butterflies after all these months
You are so cute the way that you smile
Your eyes looking into mine makes me want to kiss you every time
The way that you hold me at night makes me feel like I am floating in the air
It all just feels so right to be next to every single second of the day
Your love lights up my life and when I am down it lights up the stars in the night.
I promise to love you in every way that I can and to be by your side in every way.
You just make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have you as a boyfriend and my best friend.
From now until forever I will always love you.


more by Angela Gutierrez

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Corona by Corona
  • 6 years ago

I honestly fell hard for this one! I fell in love at 8 and this is very touching! I am with him now, but it's been off and on for about 4 years...great job with your poem!

  • Lillie Lehrmann by Lillie Lehrmann
  • 6 years ago

Every time I look into your eyes, you remind me of the ocean - beautiful yet so strong. And every time we say goodbye I feel like I could cry. When you're upset, I always know something's really wrong. But the thought of losing you just makes me want to die.

  • Megan by Megan, Nebraska
  • 9 years ago

This is so true to my heart. Well let me rephrase that. Only the first half fits. I am not in the relationship but he accidentally stole my heart. He makes it sing.. Maybe someday he will see it.

  • Erin by Erin, Florida
  • 11 years ago

I can relate to this. The boy I had no intention to fall in love with. Stole my heart and refuses to give it back. 4 year worth of relationship down the drain. He probably already forgotten my name. I hate that I have to walk by him and act like we never ever even met each other, but all these memories just keeps on hitting me! But there's one question. How was it so easy to move on? Probably cause you never loved me from the START!

  • Dil Karki by Dil Karki
  • 8 years ago

Life goes on. Do don't worry. Move ahead. A beautiful life is waiting for you.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Germantown
  • 11 years ago

This poem is so true, almost every word. I found MY soul mate, and he found HIS.

  • Brit by Brit, Alabama
  • 12 years ago

This is how I felt about the first boy I actually liked, until I got my heart broke in a million pieces, but funny how this described us.! <3

  • L.S Quebec (Canada) by L.S Quebec (Canada)
  • 12 years ago

It is unbelievable how this is like me and my boyfriend. It has been two years and I have felt this way about him since the moment I met him, back when I was twelve.

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