Son Poem

Poem About Mom Always Supporting Son

As this mother thinks of her son growing up and going through all the stages that he's gone through, she lets him know that she will always be there to support him.

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My first born will be 22 in a couple of months. I thought for sure he would be home for a long time to be. I miss my son's face and laughter everyday. I get jealous when I hear someone...

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To My Son

© more by Amy R. Campbell

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

Oh, how the years go by.
Oh, how time can certainly fly.
From once just a thought in faraway dreams,
now into my arms and in my eyes gleam
the presence of you.
Your laughter and smiles,
which go on for miles,
warm my heart and soul.
You're growing up so fast,
as I wish each moment with you to forever last.
My little boy will someday be a man,
and right by your side I will forever stand.
I will pick up the pieces when you fall.
I will hold your hand and help you stand tall.
And when the day comes when you are on your own,
never feel that you are alone.
No matter how near or far apart,
I am always right there in your heart.
Always remember whatever you go through
that no matter what, I will always love you.


more by Amy R. Campbell

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Maureen by Maureen
  • 3 years ago

I have a great and unimaginable pain. My son lives with his father, and I am far away from them. We had severe discussions that I'd be the one to raise him, but his father can't let me. This has caused me a heavy heart and pain for a long time. It's been four years, and I don't see my son much. I wish I could hug and kiss my son every day...the pain and brokenness in me is unbearable. I can't stop dripping in my heart.

  • Joan by Joan
  • 5 years ago

Our son was stolen from us on May 11, 2013. He was a constant in our lives. He brought us so much joy in his life. He was born on Christmas Day. His brother was also born on Christmas Day 3 years later. Daniel had a passion for music, sport, travel, film, reading and friendships. Before Daniel left us, he had already begun to compile a list of events he attended. This was such a mountainous task. He had done it. His brother found it on his iPad. In addition to his love of album covers and sleeve notes, his brother put the two together and shared it will all at his celebration of life. This was the best of Daniel being Daniel. It would have made all look at the events they went to with Daniel. It would also inspire everyone as he did so much in his short life. We miss our Angel. He was our hero, our guide, and our strength. We know he sends us courage to cope. Daniel stands with us when we are lonely. Daniel will be within our hearts forever. He lives in Lyla, his little girl.

  • Anna Hudson by Anna Hudson
  • 7 years ago

It's too hard to write. My son is suffering. He didn't do what he's accused of. He's so upset he's puking and shaking. I'll be there with him through it, but I can't give him hope no matter what I do, probably because I find no hope in this situation. :(

  • Michele Y Anderson by Michele Y Anderson, Kearney, Ne
  • 6 years ago

Right now my son is going through an unfair punishment that absolutely does not fit his crime. I love the man no matter what. I will always, always be here for him.

  • Lily , Canada by Lily , Canada
  • 8 years ago

I am blessed with 2 wonderful sons, they're both grown up and yet in my heart they're still my little boys. They used to be smaller than me & now they're towering over good old mom! There were lots of growing pains but now they have grown to be the men I always hopeed them to be. Respectful, kind, generous and thankful to our Lord! When I hear other people say how great they are, my heart is a million times so big! A few years back, I got very sick ,they were so young and all I wanted was to survive for them. I will always be by their side, I will forever love them!

  • Jennifer by Jennifer
  • 8 years ago

My first born will be 22 in a couple of months. I thought for sure he would be home for a long time to be. I miss my son's face and laughter everyday. I get jealous when I hear someone talk about when their child is coming home for a visit and I don't know when I will see mine next. My son chose to be one of the very best the few the proud he joined the USMC. I am so very proud of him for he has accomplished something that very few could ever do. It is very hard I have some bad days when all I want to do is cry, because he is deployed now. We talk when we can and that makes up for the emptiness of him not being home. I stalk Facebook for maybe a glimpse of my son which is rare, but I will definitely take that one in a million pictures I see of him. Until I see him again I love and miss you my son everyday.
Love Mom

I Thank you for your service and sacrifice to this country

  • Cheryl by Cheryl
  • 8 years ago

I'm in the same boat. Blessings to both of us. I'm so proud but sad at the same time, but I do know this: I've raised an amazing man. It looks as if you did, too.

  • Josee by Josee
  • 8 years ago

Hi Jennifer,

I was really touched by your story and I hope and pray that God will give you strength to be happy even though your son is not around. Although my story is not the same, I can still relate to yours and recognize the feeling of missing your son. I have Twin boys whom are 30 years old right now and they did not join the marines like yours, but they chose to follow the footsteps of Jesus and each became monks each of different congregations with different goals but both working with the poor and misfortunate trying to make a difference in the world. And although I am like you, very Proud of them, I miss each one of them every single day. I do have other sons that are around and bring me Joy but it does not take away the missing part I feel toward my twins. So I wish you strength and will pray for your son and hope you will be reunited soon. May God Bless you and your Family. May his peace be with you.

  • Colton by Colton, CA
  • 10 years ago

My son is 18 years old and heading to college out of state. We've never been apart from each other. He is my first of two boys. I am preparing myself to let him fly off into Adulthood on his own. I feel confident he will be an exemplary husband and dad. I miss him already. He leaves next month. I love him so much and feel the same love from him. I will be here for him if he needs me and I will stay away when he wants me to. I pray to God asking for my son's wisdom and faith to always guide him in the right path. I am so proud of him! I love him so!!

  • Rupa by Rupa, Frisco Tx
  • 10 years ago

I prayed for many years to have a healthy baby. God gave my son to me. He will be 12 soon, has had his first crush and his first heartbreak! He has this unwavering trust that no matter what happens his mother will always be there for him. I work hard to make sure that trust is never destroyed. I can't wait to see my beautiful child grow into a man, love a woman and have a family of his own. I want him to have a child so that he knows how wonderful it feels to have the kind of love he has for me. He is my pride, my joy

  • Sonia by Sonia, Nyc
  • 10 years ago

My son will be 40 tomorrow. I raised him all alone. He grew into the most caring and loving son. This poem made me cry as I read it.

  • Susan by Susan, Alabama
  • 10 years ago

My son is 18 now. 6"2, wide strong shoulders, he is the type of man you want your daughter to love. He has integrity, and strength of his convictions. I was a single mother raising three children on my own. He is my baby, my only son. I've been told, you've done a wonderful job. My two daughters finished college, each married. And both wonderful mothers. And my son never hesitates to pick them up and tell them he loves them. Even the two month old. He's a good man.

  • William W. Choate by William W. Choate, Seminole
  • 11 years ago

A framed poem on my mother's wall from before I can remember was entitled, "T O M Y S O N". When I was old enough to read, I
knew my name was not "Tommy", so I didn't read it until she died. It began, "Know you not that your soul is a part of mine?" And ended with, "Make the proud world pay homage to me, that they will say, She reaped as she sowed, 'Lo, this is her son!" It disappeared from my office wall during a move, but I would like to have the rest of it.

  • Inver Grove Heights by Inver Grove Heights, MN
  • 11 years ago

My son is six years old. He's beautiful and smart boy. I can't believe that he's six already, time is flying by, and I'm so busy taking care of him. And showing my endless love to my beautiful baby boy. Allah(God) made me to be his Mother and that's a very expensive gift from Allah.

  • Kalaimani Rasu Pillai by Kalaimani Rasu Pillai
  • 11 years ago

My son is my life. For all reasons I'm here today is because of my son. I hope that after my separation the custody and care will be fully given to me as I have kept my son into my arms all the years. My retirement is the day that I surrender my son to his future would be.....and my love to him will never fade now and forever. I love you son.

  • Aparna Kundu by Aparna Kundu, India
  • 11 years ago

My son is very far away. My little is grown up. He studies higher education. I am proud of him. Wish him all the best. Pray for him. I keep contact with him regularly by internet. I love my son more than myself. God bless him. Thanks to God for making me mother of my son.

  • Monet Palad by Monet Palad, Philippines
  • 12 years ago

I wish that my sons will always be a kid. How I wish they will always be by my side. I don't want them to grow up. But lets face reality. A son will grow and have a life on their own, but I will always and forever assure them that I will always be here for them no matter what. I will always be at their life and I will always love them more than myself.

  • London by London, Croydon
  • 12 years ago

My son who is the light of my life, far away serving his country, I think about him every day and night, I worry about him every day and night, the thought of my son and his great ways keeps me going. A true bond that can never be broken.

  • Nydia Rodriguez by Nydia Rodriguez, Jersey City
  • 14 years ago

My son is very far away, He's now a military station in Korea for 3 yrs. will be home this year. My son is now 23 yrs. And with lots of prayers he changed his life around, this is why at this moment I'm very proud of him, he got married and have 2 beautiful children. 1 a girl of 4 yrs and the 2nd boy of 6 months.
The first story touched me so much, from Hepsi.

  • Anne-Marie by Anne-Marie, UK
  • 14 years ago

My beautiful son is 3 next month. I'm about to enter Court proceedings to agree access with his father and was looking for sources of strength to get through this, whatever the outcome may be.

This poem is something I will remember and use to show my son how he's the singularly most important person in my life, and will be for as long as I breathe. Thank you.

  • Hatem Daoud by Hatem Daoud
  • 14 years ago

It helped me a lot to tell my son how I feel about him

  • Lindsay by Lindsay, CA
  • 14 years ago

I have so much to say to my son, sometimes just don't know how to say it so neat like this. This poem has given me the steps to express my heart through words. Thank you.

  • Hepsi by Hepsi
  • 15 years ago

I look back and recall the years of my son's childhood where I had to play the role of both father and mother. Today I look at him with pride that he is my son

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