1. A Family Is Like A Circle
A family is like a circle.
The connection never ends,
and even if at times it breaks,
in time it always mends.
Our family is the proverbial egg that we were hatched from. Everything about who we are, both our nature and nurture comes from our family. Often in western society, we stray far from our family and may not talk to them for years at a time. We may feel that we have nothing in common with them. We may choose to run away from our roots because they are too painful to face. Ultimately however, our past holds the key to our future. If we do not face where we come from, we will have difficulty understanding our present and future.
A family is like a circle.
The connection never ends,
and even if at times it breaks,
in time it always mends.
I enjoyed reading this poem. The poet uses relevant and strong similes that remain in the reader's mind. There's no way one can separate from their families because they found it there and at...
While you weren't here
I cried every night.
A million tears fell,
Still my heart wasn't right.
This poem hit me like a truck. My mum's around, but she's never had an emotional attachment to me. My dad's a loser somewhere. I struggle daily with my feelings and am struggling after my...
I don't know when it started,
Or how it all began,
But God created families,
As only our Lord can.
This poem reminds me of my mom's side of the family and my dad's side. We love each other and we're glad that God put us together.
God gave each of us a special family
that we can call our own.
A family that loves us for who we are
so we would never feel alone.
I was deeply touched by this poem because the family relations are the closest to my heart. Though friends have their own importance, the family can't be replaced with them. Family relations,...
The blessings of a big family
are only seen by a few
A few of the chosen ones
that God has given this blessing to
I am on my second scrapbook for my 18 year old Granddaughters. The first one I did I found this poem and thought that it could have been written just for me. It made me cry it's such a...
When you feel like breaking down or crashing in,
Who do you turn to, to forgive your sin?
When you cried your lonely tears,
Who will be there to fight your fears?
God bless you. I believe your son is up there looking down and watching over you. God has done miracles in my and my family's life, and love always finds a way. I pray that you will see God's...
It seems like only yesterday
Our lives were just beginning.
Your love for us never failed,
Our hearts continually mending.
My grandparents are my life. The lines of the poetry touch my heart.
When monsters lurked beneath my bed
And scary dreams ran through my head,
When thunder growled those sounds I dread,
There you were,
The love of this family can show the work of God
To prevail over our weakest of moments
To lend a hand or mend a broken heart.
Well I really like your poem because it kind of relate to me and my family when we have problems but know we will work all are problems out with the people in it... so thanks for writing this...
Family is
heaven sent from our father above,
bonded by the power of love.
No matter what, family has each other's backs
This poem has really touched me. It reminded me of my own family. I had six siblings, me being the seventh child. Sadly, four of them passed away. I now have two sister whom I love and...
How often do we push aside
The thought to make a call
To just one family member
Who we rarely see at all?
They say that times were tough then
That money was very tight
But I remember my childhood
And I know that can't be right
It was a very good poem. It reminded me of my childhood. When we did not have much money but we had eggs from our chicken's house. We have plenty of fruits and vegetables and...
You are the meaning of strength
at its highest peak.
You have courage
when the rest of us are weak.
My niece-in-law was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She was transferred from the hospital to hospice today and may not be here for Christmas this year. She has been in my family for...
Life is passing so quickly,
Dreams are proliferating so rapidly,
But in the middle of all these,
Memories are embracing so tightly...
Why are you not here, my siblings? Why don't you care? We are here on earth but once. There was a time when our love was so dear. Why are you not here, my siblings? Time is passing by, I am...
Not enough hours in the day, we often say
we watch as the busyness of life allows time to slip away.
Before we know, days turn to months and months into years,
When our chairperson of the George Family Reunion Committee called for reunion poetry for the 2009 Family Reunion Booklet, I went in search of just the right poem to describe my feelings...
You can see all in a person's eyes.
Their pain, guilt, happiness, sadness, fear.
It's all there, if you just take the time to look.
In your eyes I see someone unlike any other,
During the toughest of times we must band together!
When the bad weather hits us straight on,
we have to get through that rough storm.
Holding each other with a tight grip
To all my family and friends,
from whom I hear from
now and then,
Just wanted to say
This poem has really touched my heart with the remembrance of how friendship and family love is so important in the life of a human.
Analysis of Form and Technique
My family is the ocean around us.
My father is the hurricane,
knocking anything and everybody out of his path.
That's the same for me! Except, my younger sister is the storm haha.
As mother, I am nurturer.
A guardian, a guide
As mother, I am gentleness
A warmth of selfless pride