Baby Death Poem

I wrote this for a friend who had sadly lost a little one and I know how that felt losing my daughter

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This poem is really lovely, I lost a baby when I was 3 months pregnant and was 14 I am now 15 and the baby should have been born on the 16 of July 2014 people always tell me I was too young...

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Little Angel Unknown


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

A little angel unknown, I am; my place is as an angel in a secret land.
I didn't have a name as such; you didn't get the chance.
I wasn't meant to live on earth, just touch you by the hand.
I've been sent to touch your lives, and I know you'll think that cruel,
but it's only special people that are chosen as exceptions to the rules.
I knew you would love me from the very start,
from that first sighting and beating of my tiny heart,
so I know that it will hurt you that you have to say goodbye,
but I am your guardian angel now, and I'll dry the tears from your eyes.
I'll be there by your side wherever you go.
I will hear you speak of me often and what I might have been if I'd grown.
I'll be the special angel in the picture that you have.
I'll remind you of my brother and my dad.
I'll have your little features all of you as one,
and I'll love you always as my special mum.
You might not have gotten to see me as a living, breathing thing,
but I'll be the ribbon around your heart and my love will be deep within.
This pleasure I promise will be mine,
to be your guardian angel from now until the end of time.
I'll gift you with my presence every night within your dreams,
walk always as your special unknown angel,
gifted to you within just for a short while,
so think of me often and smile.
For I am your very own special unknown gifted child.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Betheni Kelly Leeds by Betheni Kelly Leeds
  • 10 years ago

This poem is really lovely, I lost a baby when I was 3 months pregnant and was 14 I am now 15 and the baby should have been born on the 16 of July 2014 people always tell me I was too young to have a baby anyway but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt or that I would have loved my baby any less, I only thought of one name for the baby and that was willow so that is the name I chose to be on her memory box.

  • Alisha Benson by Alisha Benson, New Orleans
  • 10 years ago

At age 18 I found out I was pregnant the happiest moment of my life from day one, I just knew I'll be a great mother, the kind to listen, understand, show faith. But, from day one things got complicated, I had a bed pregnancy, I was always in and out the hospital, or on bed rest, so it came as no surprise to me when June 15, 2010 came, I went to a doctors appointment to see the sex of my baby, but instead I found out her heart stopped. At that moment so did mine. For this little Angel I fought for so hard was gone she was my only child, born after hours of waiting she arrived this beautiful still-born, I held her and cried because I knew she could never be replaced, shortly after giving birth I was told I might never conceive again, and I haven't. So this poem means the world to me, because I know I'm not alone and that brings me joy beyond anything. thank you.

  • Jess McNulty by Jess McNulty
  • 10 years ago

So sorry for everyone's losses. I< too, recently suffered a miscarriage. My fiancé and I were so happy to be pregnant, and eager to hear our child's heartbeat and see him or her on the screen. Well, unfortunately, instead of leaving the doctor's office holding a sonogram picture of our child, we left in tears after learning that his or her tiny heart had stopped beating and at 9.6 weeks the baby measured 7.3. It took 2.1 weeks more before I finally miscarried naturally at home. Our hearts are broken. We buried the fetus in our backyard and I pray by that tree each night. I am 36, and my fiancé is 30. I am so afraid that I am just too old to carry a baby to term, but really hoping that the great Lord above will mend whatever was wrong with our child and return him or her to us with a healthy pregnancy. To every mother or father who has lost a child before hearing his or her tiny cries, I understand your pain. You are not alone

  • Michelle Flak by Michelle Flak, South Florida
  • 10 years ago

Thank you so very much for such a touching seven years ago, our lil Jeremy Andrew, flew to the Heavens above and I know without any doubt that we will be together forever in Home at last. I had tried to have a baby for 20 years so after he went to wait for me I knew the Good Lord must have another plan and we now are proud parents to biological siblings through the beautiful gift of adoption. They know about their Special Angel Brother Jeremy and love him too <3

  • Niroshani Sagarika by Niroshani Sagarika
  • 11 years ago

I was 6 weeks pregnant when I lost my baby. I had a dream about my little angle. I will pray to god to take care of my angle untill she comes back to me again.

  • Tucson by Tucson, AZ
  • 11 years ago

This story touched me so much. This Easter March 31st. I began with the pain. I went into the ER there I found out I was pregnant I was 4 weeks and 5 days the news was really shocking we already have three boys. But I still was happy and excited hoping this little one was my girl. About an hour later Dr came in and said this is might not be a normal pregnancy. After all the testing's it showed my pregnancy was what they call a "tubal pregnancy" my baby was in my Fallopian Tube. I had to go into surgery and they had to remove my baby and right fallopian. I now my lil one will always be my "unknown lil Angel"

  • Neth by Neth, Philippines
  • 11 years ago

I gave birth to a cute little boy last Jan 19, 2013. He's our first child and we name him Aaron Angelico... feel so happy when it's time for me to give birth because I will now see my baby but only to know that he passed away while I'm giving birth. It's hurt me so much that I see and hold my son for only a minute... Aaron baby I want you to know that Daddy and I love you so dearly... someday we'll see each other again and by that time comes I will hold you forever....

  • Bridie by Bridie, Tewkesbury
  • 12 years ago

I was 13 weeks pregnant when I started to bleed and that carried on till I was 21 weeks and at 20 weeks that told me I had a low line placenta and that I may move up or it may not! At 21 weeks and 5 days I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and just 50 mins after that she passed away and the hard thing for any mother is to say goodbye to their baby. Mummy and daddy loves to loads angel xx

  • Terry by Terry
  • 12 years ago

My daughter was 5-6 months along when she started cramping. I kind of knew, when we got her to the hospital and there was no heartbeat. We lost our precious Ethan July 8th 2010. These poems are beautiful and very appreciated. Thank you very much.

  • Shayne by Shayne, Batoon
  • 12 years ago

When I was 6 yrs. old I really wanted a brother or a sister. How many years we waited, and it's a miracle that my mom was 3 months pregnant. I was so happy, it's the best gift that God gave to us. And then 31st of May 2010 my mom gave birth to my little brother. But in the 2nd day June 2, 2010 his heartbeat was not normal already, we tried our best but nothing happened. He died June 4, 2010. I knew that God has a reason why he took my brother, and now this day is his 2nd birthday. We always love you with all our heart baby boy. Well I'm just a loving sister who really loves her brother. Happy birthday my dear, I wish your happy wherever you are. Rest in peace my little one.

  • Dusty by Dusty
  • 12 years ago

After 8 years of trying almost every thing my wife and I found out that our prayers had finally been answered and she was pregnant with our 2nd child. After 3 home tests and a test at our family Dr we were so happy. At the first appointment at the O.B. they did a sonogram, but no heartbeat. The Dr assured us that sometimes at this early stage sometimes it couldn't be found and rescheduled for the next week. 3 days later my wife called me at work that something was wrong. She had miscarried. We were devastated, I think of our little angel all the time, and sometimes cry for know apparent reason. We now have 2 more children and all 3 of our kids are my entire world! But I will never forget about my 4th child who I never met, and who never met us. I will always love you.

  • Ann by Ann
  • 12 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear about everyone's loss

Past year 16 October 2011 I was 2 months pregnant and I didn't know. We lose our baby
I had a miscarry.
It was my first child. We give the baby the name Little Angel. I cried so much.
3 months after my miscarry In January 2012 I find out I was pregnant again.
My test was positive I was so happy, that night I told my boyfriend I was pregnant he was happy to!
In march we had the first echo I was 7 weeks everything was okay,
We saw the little tiny heart beating. We were so happy.
Then in the month April we had a new echo and
We just found out last Friday that our baby that I am still carrying no longer has a heartbeat. I cried all day!! It was so painful.

God bless my 2 little guardian angels.
I know you watch over us!!
Mommy and daddy loves you!

  • Josy by Josy
  • 12 years ago

I went to my OB appointment on March 15th 2012 and found out my 9 week 3 days baby had no heartbeat. This poem in a way has given me closure. I loved my baby as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I wanted the baby so bad. I have been trying to get pregnant for the past 2 years and I thought at last but I was able to nurture her only for 6 weeks. I know my angel is with me that is the reason why I name my baby "Angel". sleep tight my little angel till we meet and I get to hold you for the first time.

  • Izzy by Izzy, Lakewood
  • 12 years ago

hey well my name is Izzy... and I lost my baby just yesterday ... I am only a teen but I really wanted this baby ... My baby died because some girl decided to fight my Girlfriend for no reason and she punched her so hard in the stomach and now I'm so depressed :'( R.I.P my little Angel 3~26~12 Gone But Never Forgotten

  • Myranda by Myranda
  • 13 years ago

This is sad I was going to adopt my friends baby. She was 22 weeks and I was going to raise her when she was born August 24 2011. My daughter passed away she was 18 weeks earlier and there wasn't nothing that would have brought her back. I think of her everyday and shed tears here and there, but no matter what I have to stay strong. I miss her so much she was so little so fragile I miss my daughter.

  • Sylvia Garza by Sylvia Garza
  • 13 years ago

I lost my daughter 11 years ago. I was 5 months pregnant and never had any other children. We had a funeral for her and everything. I never felt that kind of pain in my life and I still find myself fighting back the tears...I wonder how she would of looked if she would have had my eyes and my husbands hair. It's just so unfair but God knows what he's doing an I look forward to meeting her at the gates. My heart is filed with anticipation and I know that she's with me everyday I love you angel Gamino Garza you're always in my heart baby, love mom.

  • Brittany by Brittany
  • 13 years ago

I'm 21 and I lost my son on June 20 2011 it was one of the hard things that will ever happen in life . I went on naming him Gunter . just couple of days ago I met my son's aunt his daddy sister . I love this poem because I know that I have a lil angle looking over me now ... Mommy loves u Gunter

  • Danielle by Danielle, Denham Springs
  • 13 years ago

On March 29, 2011 I went to my OB doctor for my 16 week checkup hoping to hear my little girl was still healthy only to find out that her little heart stopped beating. The next 15 hours were hard for me and her daddy and we didn't know if we would make it but we now know that we have a little guardian angel looking over us and staying by our side. Mommy and Daddy love you very much Adalynn Claire!

  • Kerry by Kerry, Gloucester
  • 13 years ago

I lost my little girl at eight months pregnant .. has been the hardest thing I've ever been through ... if it wasn't for my little boy keeping me strong I don't know what I would of done .. reading these poems really help me get through the day .. so thanks

  • Ria Higham by Ria Higham
  • 13 years ago

My niece had twins at 28 weeks two beautiful girls, sadly one died a few short hours later. The other baby is holding on thank God and wed 10th Nov we are to lay our little princess to rest. As a parent myself I never thought I would ever go to a baby's funeral. I went to see our princess at the chapel of rest and she looked so tiny almost as small as her teddy that her mum had put with her. God has a new angel now to look down on us. God bless baby girl .

  • Birmingham by Birmingham
  • 13 years ago

I think this poem is sweet because my mom was a twin and her little sister or brother died in the womb. Luckily she lived, its quite sad knowing that my aunty or uncle is watching over us, rip to every baby that doesn't get the chance to live when they really don't deserve not to see the light.

  • Alishia by Alishia, Idaho
  • 14 years ago

A friend of mine lost her baby girl on 7/30/10. She was only 5 months old. This poem really touched me. Thank you for writing this. I will pass it on to her.

  • Leann by Leann
  • 14 years ago

I lost my baby when he was 2 minute old. his father didn't get to hold him... I'm crying but I know that it happened on 9-23-10 but he's up there watching me

I love you Justin

  • Melissa by Melissa, NY
  • 14 years ago

I went into my 5 month OB appointment on Thursday hoping to learn the sex of my baby but was instead told that his heart had stopped beating and I had to go deliver him at the hospital. It was the worst 24 hours of my life. He was so loved from the very start and there is such a big void in my life. This poem really helped me and so did the other stories to know that unfortunately I am not alone.

  • Leanne by Leanne, QLD
  • 14 years ago

A very close friend and work colleague gave birth to her 1st baby, a daughter 14 weeks premature and sadly her little angle passed away a short 3 days later, my heart broke for her. I will be passing this poem on to her in the hope she will get some comfort from it. Thank you

  • Stephanie Tompkins by Stephanie Tompkins
  • 14 years ago

I lost my firstborn daughter 7/19/07 so her 3rd birthday is in just a few days & its never an easy day nor are the holidays. I now have a 5month old son who gives me a piece of her just because he is her brother. not a hour goes by that I don't think of her. I always tell people that I have 2 kids, she's my daughter & I'm her mom

  • Karen by Karen, NC
  • 14 years ago

At 19 weeks I was told there was no heartbeat my son had passed. I was quickly rushed over to labor and delivery where other happy couples were having their living breathing babies. My labor was induced and I spent the next 9 hours laboring to deliver my sweet precious baby, delusions from all the meds I thought he would be okay....... I thought he was alive
This poem speaks to me
Always broken,

  • Kara by Kara
  • 14 years ago

We just found out last week that our baby that I am still carrying no longer has a heartbeat. This poem really touched my heart during this sad time. Thank you for writing such a wonderful, heartfelt poem.

I lost my first son six years ago and this poem help me realize that I too have a special unknown gifted child.

  • Katie by Katie
  • 14 years ago

A few days ago, a really good friend of mine lost his babies in a tragic head on collision with a tractor trailer. This poem touched my heart on how my friend will have several guardian angels to watch over him and that he will never be alone in his life.
His baby girl and his twin boys will be there through thick and thin to keep him safe!!

  • Kate by Kate
  • 15 years ago

I had just lost my baby girl a month ago. Complications with the pregnancy and I couldn't carry on for the rest of the 4 months.
Reading this poem made me realize that I do have a guardian angel. that I'm never going to be alone..
For I have my baby girl by my side for the rest of my life!!!

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