
Published: September 2021

I am missing my husband

Husband Poems

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  1. 1. Trials

    • By Frank Mandarano
    • Published: August 2015

    in Relationship Poems

    Times have been tough, and things have gone wrong,
    But the deep love we share has been there all along.
    You say why go on, there's nothing that's right,
    But we never give up; we continue to fight.


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    This poem totally touches my heart. My boyfriend dumped me when I was pregnant in 2010. I cried and cried many times, but he came back to me after 1 year. Now we are in love or 9 years. Our...

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  2. 2. Love

    in Relationship Poems

    If you love somebody with your heart, soul, and mind,
    Every road to adventure is one of a kind.
    Though the road may be rugged and your spirits are high,
    Still the sun seems to shine on the loved ones going by.

    Hope And Faith In Finding True Love, Love

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  4. 3. Love Takes A Little More

    in Relationship Poems

    You supply the lips and I'll supply the kiss,
    You supply the chance and I'll supply the bliss.
    You supply the truth and I'll supply the trust,
    You supply the time and I'll supply the lust.


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  5. 4. My Darling

    in Relationship Poems

    My darling, my girl,
    Why are you so sad?
    Why can't you see that life is not all bad?
    You're my angel.


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    My girlfriend is in prison for taking her husband's life. She was abused very badly by him, and when she was growing up, she was sexually abused, physically abused, and mentally abused. She...

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  7. 5. Love's Journey

    • By Angie Mccrackin
    • Published: February 2015

    in Relationship Poems

    When my eyes are locked with his
    My lips are longing for his kiss
    I feel a love I've never known
    Yet my heart feels so alone


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    I’ve had a boyfriend for almost two years. Apparently, he’s still connected with his ex-girlfriend, but every time I try to confront him he keeps on telling me it was nothing and that there...

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  8. 6. Communication

    • By Amy
    • Published: April 2008

    in Relationship Poems

    Communication takes practice,
    it's never perfect.
    Sometimes not patient,
    sometimes not kind,

    Communicating Is Key To A Successful Relationship, Communication

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    My partner and I separated a month ago because I won't get off my high horse and take the help handed to me. I wouldn't communicate with her or be able to have a conversation with her. So now...

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  9. 7. Moon That Moves My Tides

    • By Gage M. Webb
    • Published: February 2021

    in Relationship Poems

    Better today than I was before,
    in this moment with the one whom I adore.
    Take the fall, take the risk.
    Maybe end up twisted, tangled, worn out, missed.


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  10. 8. The Shatter Of My Tear

    • By Elysa
    • Published: February 2015

    in Relationship Poems

    Afraid to love
    Afraid to hold
    All the stories untold
    Why am I afraid


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    This poem really touched my emotions. I'm a 23 year old guy. I was deeply in love with one girl in our neighborhood; we had been dating for 2 years, I loved her, trusted her, called her a...

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  11. 9. Do You Know?

    in Relationship Poems

    Do you know how much she loves you?
    Do you know how much she cares?
    Do you know she would do anything for you?
    Hurt you? She wouldn't dare!


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  12. 10. I Saw You Today

    • By Rhonda J.P
    • Published: May 2008

    in Moving On Poems

    While walking today as I normally do
    I turned around and your face came into view.

    My heart beating fast just took my breath away


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    This poem is exactly like my past. It has really touched my heart.:)

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  13. 11. Remember The First

    in Relationship Poems

    I remember the first time you talked to me,
    I wasn't sure what to do.
    No one ever talked to me.
    This was something different,


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    At the beginning I loved a woman, and she didn't know I existed. My love kept growing, and still she wasn't aware of what was going on inside my heart about her. Wherever you are and whatever...

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